Damn right! Citizens not Subjects! The difference between those two classes is one can own firearms to correct tyranny of government and the other cannot.
She's mostly correct, unfortunately for the last few generations (X,Z millennials) in the US has seen our government usurping more and more power and writing laws to whittle away at our second amendment and the younger generations has been taught and conditioned to accept it in the name of safety.
The 2A protects all the other amendments...when it is gone so are all the others, and NO, it's not about your hunting rifle.
unfortunately for the last few generations (X,Z millennials) in the US has seen our government usurping more and more power and writing laws to whittle away at our second amendment and the younger generations has been taught and conditioned to accept it in the name of safety.
The 2A protects all the other amendments...when it is gone so are all the others, and NO, it's not about your hunting rifle.