The poaster child for your fever dream InSuRrEcTiOn, Horn guy, did nothing but walk around the capitol. Unless of course there's vid that the sham committee didn't share with us that proves he was rioting? We both know if there was we'd have seen it. He got four years and you're good with that. You fucking lowlife.
This may be one of the most pathetic dodges in the history of Dazzler's ongoing dipshittery. He believes that a rampaging mod of violent InSuRrEcTiOnIsTs suddenly behaved like tourist once they achieved their objected of overtaking the Gubmet. The inability to shake himself from the fake narrative shows what a weak mind he possesses. Some would call him a rube.
If you had the ability to be embarrassed you'd have dropped this stupidity but we all know you're embarrassed by none of the idiocy you engage in here. Can we get a pic of Joey not accepting millions from China?
Tucker hates daddy!!!!!!!!
We know
Playful Mao. Not cultural revolutioning a soul.
Preoccupied OJ busy not murdering.
Harvey Weinstein while not raping.
Photo of Ted busy not killing.