I watched Friends back in the day. My kid was watching it 2-3 years ago on Netflix and I caught 2 minutes of an episode and hated my younger self for even watching that garbage.
I will kill anyone, regardless of height, who calls Anniston a JAG.
I suppose there are hundreds of even thousands of models, celebrities, and even athletes these days who are objectively (whatever that means) hotter than Aniston. She still sits near the top of my wood list though.
Friends is embarrassingly bad. The actors all suck ball wax and the writing is generic, 90s PC vomit. I watched it a fair amount with my wife in my late 20s and the only redeeming thing I found was that I really wanted to bang Jennifer Aniston. The primary difference between it and Seinfeld is that Seinfeld is funny.
I watched Friends back in the day. My kid was watching it 2-3 years ago on Netflix and I caught 2 minutes of an episode and hated my younger self for even watching that garbage.
I will kill anyone, regardless of height, who calls Anniston a JAG.
I don't know, I'm saying I don't like Friends because I DID watch it. Everyone did. It was the big show at the time, so I gave it a shot. Maybe even watched a couple of seasons. I remember the day, though, that I "noticed" the laugh track. It must have been an episode where they couldn't tape it live or something, because the laugh track was so ridiculously identical every single joke and the frequency was crazy. Once you notice it, you just can't unnotice it. Then I'm like, "...This show SUCKS! I've been duped by a fucking laugh track for years!" Never watched it again.
I think the only more shameful television mistake from me was Alias. I had never heard of it, then I visited my brother, and he's like, "You've gotta check out this show." We watched three or four episodes, and I get so hooked that, next thing I know, I've bought DVD sets of the first five seasons or something. I can't remember if it was halfway through season 4 or 5, that it suddenly dawned on me that not only is the show shit, but it had been shit the whole time and I just hadn't realized it. Stopped mid-episode and threw the DVDs away.
I watched Friends back in the day. My kid was watching it 2-3 years ago on Netflix and I caught 2 minutes of an episode and hated my younger self for even watching that garbage.
I will kill anyone, regardless of height, who calls Anniston a JAG.
I don't know, I'm saying I don't like Friends because I DID watch it. Everyone did. It was the big show at the time, so I gave it a shot. Maybe even watched a couple of seasons. I remember the day, though, that I "noticed" the laugh track. It must have been an episode where they couldn't tape it live or something, because the laugh track was so ridiculously identical every single joke and the frequency was crazy.
I watched Friends back in the day. My kid was watching it 2-3 years ago on Netflix and I caught 2 minutes of an episode and hated my younger self for even watching that garbage.
I will kill anyone, regardless of height, who calls Anniston a JAG.
Friends is embarrassingly bad. The actors all suck ball wax and the writing is generic, 90s PC vomit. I watched it a fair amount with my wife in my late 20s and the only redeeming thing I found was that I really wanted to bang Jennifer Aniston. The primary difference between it and Seinfeld is that Seinfeld is funny.
The show wasn't always PC. Like the episode where Ross tries to hook up with his hot cousin.
As pup implied, it's not that men don't like or watch Friends, they are just more likely to pretend like they don't.
Ever notice how so many men say they don't like Friends, yet they know every characters name, say that Chandler is kind of funny, the laughtrack is annoying, and also have an opinion on the Ross and Rachel thing? They wouldn't know those things if they didn't watch the show. So you call them out on it, and they make up some excuse like "uhh.... well, you see, my sister would watch it so I had no choice" as if somebody was strapping them to the couch facing the TV and forcing them to watch it.
With God as my witness, I disliked Friends
So if I hooked you up to a lie detector test and asked questions about the show, you'd say "I don't know", and no lies would be detected? Kinda like in that episode of Seinfeld where Jerry pretends to not like Melrose Place?
Listening to you guys talk about how much you hate Friends and love Seinfeld reminds me of how closeted homosexuals like to talk about how much they hate gay people and love to fuck women.
...Not that there's anything wrong with that! I'm completely aware that we don't live in a society where liking Friends as a man is accepted. So I get it.
I watched Friends back in the day. My kid was watching it 2-3 years ago on Netflix and I caught 2 minutes of an episode and hated my younger self for even watching that garbage.
I will kill anyone, regardless of height, who calls Anniston a JAG.
Friends is embarrassingly bad. The actors all suck ball wax and the writing is generic, 90s PC vomit. I watched it a fair amount with my wife in my late 20s and the only redeeming thing I found was that I really wanted to bang Jennifer Aniston. The primary difference between it and Seinfeld is that Seinfeld is funny.
The show wasn't always PC. Like the episode where Ross tries to hook up with his hot cousin.
I don't know, I'm saying I don't like Friends because I DID watch it. Everyone did. It was the big show at the time, so I gave it a shot. Maybe even watched a couple of seasons. I remember the day, though, that I "noticed" the laugh track. It must have been an episode where they couldn't tape it live or something, because the laugh track was so ridiculously identical every single joke and the frequency was crazy.
Try being a little bit more sensitive to @GrandpaSankey. Mods?
I don't know, I'm saying I don't like Friends because I DID watch it. Everyone did. It was the big show at the time, so I gave it a shot. Maybe even watched a couple of seasons. I remember the day, though, that I "noticed" the laugh track. It must have been an episode where they couldn't tape it live or something, because the laugh track was so ridiculously identical every single joke and the frequency was crazy.
Friends was not very funny. I did sit through some episodes with attractive co-Ed’s during my 20’s putting in time. Sometimes it paid off. Sometimes it didn’t. Csb
Friends is embarrassingly bad. The actors all suck ball wax and the writing is generic, 90s PC vomit.
I watched it a fair amount with my wife in my late 20s and the only redeeming thing I found was that I really wanted to bang Jennifer Aniston. The primary difference between it and Seinfeld is that Seinfeld is funny.
This is one of them.
Courtney Cox was/is hottest.
Chandler was the most funny.
Rachel was annoying.
I challenge you to a Banquet Beer drink off to the death @CFetters_Nacho_Lover .
I think the only more shameful television mistake from me was Alias. I had never heard of it, then I visited my brother, and he's like, "You've gotta check out this show." We watched three or four episodes, and I get so hooked that, next thing I know, I've bought DVD sets of the first five seasons or something. I can't remember if it was halfway through season 4 or 5, that it suddenly dawned on me that not only is the show shit, but it had been shit the whole time and I just hadn't realized it. Stopped mid-episode and threw the DVDs away.
I have 30 cans and 6 stubby bottles of Banquet locked and loaded in the beer fridge. High
NBC ruled the ratings in the 90s. The other networks should have just run a test pattern on Thursday nights.
Name one network sitcom right now that is must see TV
It was a different time and cable penetration (heh heh penetration) wasn’t anywhere near what it is today.
Lucille Ball dominated the 50s and 60s. People forget that. And that shit is way stupid by todays cultural and entertainment expectations.
Jerry, George, Newman, Joey, Chandler, Ross, were all Charmin soft, whinny, wimpy bros in their roles.
But where as Jerry, George, Newman, et al, were fucking hilarious (like some of the funniest shit ever), the Frens guysm were just annoying.
Self depreciating humor
Friends was not very funny. I did sit through some episodes with attractive co-Ed’s during my 20’s putting in time. Sometimes it paid off. Sometimes it didn’t. Csb
And Chandler obviously had the hook up for good drugs.
Which annoying nerd did David Schwimmer do better?