boom! done! I am your friend. and though I make a very, very, very comfortable living as a pretend-lawyer, my expenses are many. so when can I expect that $50?
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"Enjoying the freedom of our UnFettered boards? Help out the cause by making a donation today. (pay any amount that you like)" PayPal
Have you considered letting porn sites advertise here? I doubt they'd mind the cussing and sexual references. How about hard liquor companies? Cigarette companies might go for it too since they've been squeezed out of so many marketplaces. Lowes and Home Depot sell basement insulation and paint that can be used on concrete slabs, but they're against homophobia and racism, so that might not work when PLSS is in the house. Stoned trolls frequent this joint. I'm sure the new pot pads in WA would find it lucrative to advertise their hashish and doobies here. How many blunts do they pay per click nowadays?