There really isn't any comparison between how Obama "negotiates" and how Trump treated NK, Iran and Afghanistan
Biden stumbling in drunk and giving away the farm isn't on Trump
Did we give Iran more cash and let them build nukes or did Trump stop that?
After he went to NK did he give the farm away or say no deal?
Did Trump close Bahgram Airport/
TDS is real man
Going through life as a PMS wannabe suburban housewife has no appeal to me. Surprising how many soi boy cucks are out there that think with their estrogen rather than their brain.
There really isn't any comparison between how Obama "negotiates" and how Trump treated NK, Iran and Afghanistan
Biden stumbling in drunk and giving away the farm isn't on Trump
Did we give Iran more cash and let them build nukes or did Trump stop that?
After he went to NK did he give the farm away or say no deal?
Did Trump close Bahgram Airport/
TDS is real man
Going through life as a PMS wannabe suburban housewife has no appeal to me. Surprising how many soi boy cucks are out there that think with their estrogen rather than their brain.
You use a lot of words to tell everyone how masculine you are. Which, unsurprisingly, is not a very masculine thing to do. Nor is it convincing.
I can follow the Taliban leadership on Twitter but not the GOP front runner. Pretty cool