Buzkashi or kokpar is the Central Asian sport in which horse-mounted players attempt to drag a goat carcass toward a goal. Traditionally, games could last for several days, but in its more regulated tournament version also has a limited match time.
Choose your Buzkashi team. You must select one player from each of the 4 major jihadi categories. You have $13 to spend on your team. If you have any money left over to spend after choosing one player from each of the 4 categories, you may spend the remaining amount on whatever dreck you can afford. There is no limit to how many teammates you can have. You will then accompany your teammates to any after hours events/activities of your choosing. Do you want to take over a small country or score some quality hookers and blow? Choose carefully.
Ayatollah Khomeni Iranian Supreme Leader. Assets: Power. He packs a strong punch. Drawbacks: A real zealot. You'll be expected to follow the tenets of the Koran to the letter.
Moammar Quadaffi Libyan dictator. Assets: Charisma, guile. Is a real pimp. You'll never be short of hookers and blow. Drawbacks: Bad temper. Looks like a drag queen.
Bashar Assad Syrian dictator. Assets: Survivability, Russian connections. He's gritty and will last the whole game. Drawbacks: He looks like a rat. Hang with him and you won't be popular with the chicks.
Osama bin LadenAl Qaida Leader. Assets: Charisma. Evasion. Powerful figurehead. Eluded the most powerful military on Earth for years. Drawbacks: His ass is sunk at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.
Mullah Mohammed OmarTaliban Leader. Assets: Evasion. This guy can hide well. You're more likely to be able sneak up on a cougar. Drawbacks: Has only one eye.
Hassan NasrallahLeader of Hezbollah. Assets: Russian weapons stockpiles superiority guy. Drawbacks: Is as fat as Fetters and just as ugly.
Odai HusseinSon of Saddam Hussein. Assets: Can get you into the best parties. No shortage of hookers and blow when you're in his company.
Drawbacks: Erratic and insane. May kill you and your teammates for the slightest offense.
Zacarias MoussaouiAl Qaida Terrorist. Assets: Doesn't crack under pressure. Is ready to rumble like Ossai. Drawbacks: Not very intelligent.
Richard ReidThe shoe bomber. Assets: Aerial attacks. Drawbacks: Throws more interceptions than Connor Halliday. Is even dumberer than Moussaoui.
American Taliban John Walker LindhAmerican traitor. Assets: None. Drawbacks: Is a piece of camel shit with no redeeming value.
Azzam the AmericanAmerican Traitor. Al Qaida spokesman. Assets: None. Drawbacks: Islamafag. ($75k)
Jose PadilloThe dirty bomber. Assets: None. Drawbacks: Camel/burro shit hybrid.
I also can't figure out if OBK is a whoosh or an angry 20 something in a Springfield, Reedsport, or Bend basement two bad days away from opening fire at the mall.