Tell us more about being rich and retired in your 30s…ripping 150.00 lunches and just owning life in Washougal
I feel like I've divulged a lot. I'd give some sales bullshit bullet point list but it comes down to building a superior product. Do that and you don't really need faggits like you in the fold.
Just happy to be retired in my mid thirties. Sco.
You should go hit some balls. Head down to the Muni and post some pics from your imaginary country club. 😂
More just a retired guy. In my thirties. Bow down.
Have fun sucking cock.
We know, buddy.
We know.
Tell us more about being rich and retired in your 30s…ripping 150.00 lunches and just owning life in Washougal
Something something suck more cock so that your wife isn't bitching about how much you spent going out per month...
I wouldn't know what that's like.
You're living in the wrong county bro. Grow some balls.
I'm overcome with emotion.
You like me, you really, really, really like me.
Hugs and Kisses you way Haie!