Get rid of all advertisements in Husky Stadium. Seating is currently by class with wealthier people having better seats, and the upper class enclosed in special chambers. Throw open seating to festival seating, so the most interested and enthusiastic fans are close to the action, not the people who are there for appearances or your Lloyd St. Claire types. Stream the game live, with no commercial stoppages. Cease the incessant play stoppages for reviews and use the NFL challenge flag model. Split gate revenue 50/50 players/university.
With this scheme everybody wins except the advertisers. It's not like we don't know there is a McDonalds and the World Class UW Physicians. We know.
A great entrance song that will really get the crowd BOUNCING!!! I'm hearing the UW athletic department is in talks with Macklemore
I know you are being sarkastic but I sure hope so. Living in Seattle I only get to hear about Macklemore 800 times a day and it isn't nearly enough. I even get told I have to like him because he is from Seattle and is all in support of the gays or something.
Plus he does a commercial for Dr. Pepper, something I don't even drink so I have that going for me... which is nice.
A great entrance song that will really get the crowd BOUNCING!!! I'm hearing the UW athletic department is in talks with Macklemore
I know you are being sarkastic but I sure hope so. Living in Seattle I only get to hear about Macklemore 800 times a day and it isn't nearly enough. I even get told I have to like him because he is from Seattle and is all in support of the gays or something.
Plus he does a commercial for Dr. Pepper, something I don't even drink so I have that going for me... which is nice.
A great entrance song that will really get the crowd BOUNCING!!! I'm hearing the UW athletic department is in talks with Macklemore
I know you are being sarkastic but I sure hope so. Living in Seattle I only get to hear about Macklemore 800 times a day and it isn't nearly enough. I even get told I have to like him because he is from Seattle and is all in support of the gays or something.
Plus he does a commercial for Dr. Pepper, something I don't even drink so I have that going for me... which is nice.
nobody likes my plan, but everybody has endorsed PLSS calling the play by play.
This bored has lost its relevance.
Great maybe you will LEAVE! and start your own college football rejects bored where you can talk to yourself about JV teams like Eastern, Central, PLU etc.
I didn't say my plan was realistic, you assholes, only that it would improve college football. If you had no commercials and massive play stoppages to examine the replay, wouldn't that improve it?
changes are happening in CFB, and no stopping the trends that are underway.
I didn't say my plan was realistic, you assholes, only that it would improve college football. If you had no commercials and massive play stoppages to examine the replay, wouldn't that improve it?
changes are happening in CFB, and no stopping the trends that are underway.
With this scheme everybody wins except the advertisers. It's not like we don't know there is a McDonalds and the World Class UW Physicians. We know.
Plus he does a commercial for Dr. Pepper, something I don't even drink so I have that going for me... which is nice.
Case closed.
End of discussion.
Thread over.
This bored has lost its relevance.
Hope this helps.
changes are happening in CFB, and no stopping the trends that are underway.