When he STFU and stops pissing on two GOP Gov's that are getting things done I'll let him go. It's a good thing DeSantis has the discipline from his military days because he's going to need it to avoid pissing contests with a guy he can easily defeat by letting him destroy his chances all on his own.
If DeSantis goes to stump for Walker and Trump does the same, Trump will brag about having bigger crowds.
If Walker wins Trump will claim its because of him. If Walker loses Trump will blame DeSantis for screwing it up.
DeSantis needs to stay away.
If anyone, Trump is the one who needs to stay away. His following is already locked in for Herschel.
The goal is to pick up NEW voters (especially out of those 80K libertarians).
DeSantis is dreamy - he'll pick up some more mommies.
THEN if Herschel falls, Trump can blame DeSantis.
No upside for Trump to go to Georgia. Massive upside for DeSantis if he can show that he's the new face of the GOP and people are willing to follow him.
This right here. Stacy Abrams campaigned on abortion and voter suppression. She had those votes locked up last April. Got to learn from the losers when necessary.
When he STFU and stops pissing on two GOP Gov's that are getting things done I'll let him go. It's a good thing DeSantis has the discipline from his military days because he's going to need it to avoid pissing contests with a guy he can easily defeat by letting him destroy his chances all on his own.
One thing about Trump, as petty, childish, and petulant as he is sometimes, is that there's usually truth behind all these spats.
Trump just doesn't understand the amount of shit that can be tossed at him with actual evidence. These stupid little shots at his potential challengers should be laughed off. It's not 2016, up your game Don.
“See corporate media was right and told me they would lose, you election deniers are all the same, REPUBLICANS ARE IN CHARGE OF ELECTIONS IN MARICOPA, counting 👏always 👏 takes 👏 a 👏 week”
Actually Hobbs is in charge of counting the votes. How can one in charge of voting be in charge of counting while on the ballot?
Kemp did the same thing in Georgia back in the day
“See corporate media was right and told me they would lose, you election deniers are all the same, REPUBLICANS ARE IN CHARGE OF ELECTIONS IN MARICOPA, counting 👏always 👏 takes 👏 a 👏 week”
Actually Hobbs is in charge of counting the votes. How can one in charge of voting be in charge of counting while on the ballot?
Kemp did the same thing in Georgia back in the day
Any time the counts go longer than like 2 days it's an automatic loss for republicans. How have you guys not seen this? Lol they literally just make up enough to win
When he STFU and stops pissing on two GOP Gov's that are getting things done I'll let him go. It's a good thing DeSantis has the discipline from his military days because he's going to need it to avoid pissing contests with a guy he can easily defeat by letting him destroy his chances all on his own.
Try Trumportine gum