Hate the term "work together". She does get to a good point at the end about the authoritarian dem party, I'm not sure what the common ground is with someone who is a gun grabber and yet that seems to be the only activity they want the police involved with. So, I'll agree that she seems to make a strong 2A statement at the end, but I have no idea what the common ground is and what we work together on. Enforcing current gun laws and putting criminal in jails is not on the table for a democrat. The criminals don't worry them, we do. They hate Rudy G more than they hate an MS-13 gang leader with 10 murders under his belt.
What more do you want? Are people not allowed to evolve?
If she wants me to believe she has evolved, she needs to explain where she started and how she got to where she is now. Talking about working together and common ground means nothing to me without some specifics.
It's like the freemasons. You have to get to, like, the 33rd degree.