Purple Reign reminds me too much of Prince and it's also the name of a female superhero in Seattle who married Phoenix Jones. She looks like Mileena from Mortal Kombat. And Planet Husky sounds idiotic.
So is the Dawg Pack okay with you guys? Seems to be the one everyone's voting for at the ST.
It's too bad Purple Reign doesn't remind you of the '84 Husky defense... like it should.
All the doogs out there will assume it stands for "Football Supporters" or some stupid soccer bullshit. Scarves up!
Keith's Bonerpoppers
Petersen's Peters
Jeff's Chode
Pete's Twatkowski's
Brent's Pee
Jordan's Poopoo
This is the dawg pack and it can DIAFF
End of discussion. Case closed. Facts checked.
Petersen giving us dat question was actually fucking weird.