The left will not tolerate being defeated. In the current environment, the lefts' storm troopers antifa/blm are actively encouraged to destroy, loot and burn by dems at the highest level. So, Kumala was bailing out antifa/blm rioters and feels privileged enough to just lie and deny it ever/still happens. Harris Lies, Claiming That She Never Promoted the Bail Fund That Bailed Out BLM Rioters As Well As Murderers and R4pists;
But the Tweet In Which She Promoted that Bail Fund Is Still Up!
She's too stupid to even hide the evidence!
This isn't just an out-of-the-blue dunk. Karen Townsend points out that Kumala was asked about this during an appearance in Minnesota, ground zero for the BLM riots. And it was specifically for BLM rioters in Minnesota that she begged for donations for bail money.
Now the Euros are destroying historic paintings in the name of climate change. It would be very easy to stop this if they ended up in jail for a few years and fined for the damage so they would be financially ruined for life, but they won't. These are not bums on the street doing this, this is systemic white institutional privilege for leftard children. Just like we know how to stop big city crime, we are so soft and stupid that we won't.
