I think just a touch more color and they'd be fine. The shoes shouldn't be white. I don't normally like white pants but I can live with these. Maybe purple socks or gold socks with some purple highlights or gold shoes with purple laces or something.
I think just a touch more color and they'd be fine. The shoes shouldn't be white. I don't normally like white pants but I can live with these. Maybe purple socks or gold socks with some purple highlights or gold shoes with purple laces or something.
I like how the player bitch and moan about getting "exploited" and not getting a fair piece of the revenue pie, but love them fancy locker rooms and 50 uniform combos.
I like how the player bitch and moan about getting "exploited" and not getting a fair piece of the revenue pie, but love them fancy locker rooms and 50 uniform combos.
I'm sure they'll fork up some money if the program runs a deficit
Edit...yella may have a case as well.though
Pink tutus also work.
Lose and burn them
Cal sucks. Their die hard fans are losing their minds. DeBoner and Penix roll this weekend.