Happy Indigenous People Day. Oregonian celebrates with and old white guy with glasses who apparently has the same Indian heritage as Fauxcohantas and then the more Indian looking lady cooking with propane and stainless steel. Seems like some inappropriate cultural appropriation there. Then of course the authentic glass and metal wires for the native beads.
I remember when Indians developed air conditioning and made Phoenix livable.
I'm 0 percent Italian and like 1/16 Indian (blue eyed, but still) and this is stupid white guilt and virtue signaling. Judging a guy from 530 years ago by today's standards is fucking stupid. If the Indians want their day, that's fine. Have it some other time of the year. It's just the usual middle class, Lesbaru driving, woke white losers trying to prove how enlightened they are.
I remember when Indians developed air conditioning and made Phoenix livable.
I'm 0 percent Italian and like 1/16 Indian (blue eyed, but still) and this is stupid white guilt and virtue signaling. Judging a guy from 530 years ago by today's standards is fucking stupid. If the Indians want their day, that's fine. Have it some other time of the year. It's just the usual middle class, Lesbaru driving, woke white losers trying to prove how enlightened they are.
Virtue signaling with no actual virtue. Hey, we stole your land and we are so sorry that happened, but I'm not deeding over my stolen Marin County home to anyone except my white kids.
You might be thinking of Cortés. Pretty common mistake, actually.
It's pretty wild to think he'd go on that voyage since those are commonly found in most grocery stores
Why tag it on unless you're an America hating leftist who doesn't really care about indigenous people