She knows the DIMS cut the funding for the wall. “Not one more dollar.” She’s a propagandist tool. Her target audience is ignorant fools like Mello. He believes her outright lies.
She knows the DIMS cut the funding for the wall. “Not one more dollar.” She’s a propagandist tool. Her target audience is ignorant fools like Mello. He believes her outright lies.
I don't think he does. He just doesn't care. Lying in order to advance his agenda is perfectly fine. They view lying to public the same way Muslims view lying to non-Muslims.
I remember Sarah Huckabee and Kayleigh McEnany doing a great job representing the President and his programs and instead of being an item of ridicule, they were the ones that were skewing the White House press corps for not doing their actual jobs and pointing out the fake news they were reporting. Unlike the gay black lady or the dementia patient, they actually were extremely knowledgeable about the actual facts surrounding the presidential policies. Just like the dazzler's "hands up don't shoot", Jean-Pierre's "the border is closed" will remain an all time classic for leftard stupidity and fake news.
Cue the Kunt act.
She must be using the Alinsky protection tactic...or not. She's not nearly clever enough.