Teq was great back in pod days, but more recently he's spewing all these FoxNews/KGB talking points on Twitter so it's hard to respect him. (View Post)
The problem isn't Karen's mediocre ass, or that posting a mediocre ass is what passes for empowerment and winning nowadays. The problem is that across the board, in the sum of her social articulation… (View Post)
This nails it. The Duck goes on social, on UW's dime, and tells the world how shit UW fans are. She talks up other programs more than UW. Her personal profile is filled with her shit-talking UW while… (View Post)
It's not that she's a woman. It's that she's so embarrassingly mundane and shallow and cluelessly self-promoting that she feels like a dark parody of mundane and shallow and cluelessly self-promoting… (View Post)
Phil Knight. The guy who acts like he cares while sipping a cocktail of Vietnamese kid's life fluid on a stack of money. The billionaire is always the sociopath. (View Post)