The Tariffs are contributing to the slide, along with over leveraging, consumer debt hitting a ceiling, savings rates still near all time lows. The biggest reason for the collapse is to force the Fed… (View Post)
Honestly, who isn't making money shorting the market the last three months? The S&P is down nearly 5% year to date, and almost 7.5% since mid December. There will be much more pain coming. What p… (View Post)
If they want to go to the side and have at it, awesome. I'm all for that shit, another reason why Hockey rules! However, winding up and cracking the back of a runner's head as she passes you is very … (View Post)
True, but I’m not going to fall for that WW2 bullshit. Russia was on the German side until Hitler’s dumbass turned on Russia and invaded them. Russia then “donated” 2 million troops, because they had… (View Post)