I think you're in over your head, son. The how's and why's are always the issue, again, if you want to stop these things from happening. Crucify as many cops as you want, it's not gonna make things b… (View Post)
And based upon your observations and recitation of the facts, several cops have already been fired, will face criminal charges, and their department will get hit with a large wrongful death and civil… (View Post)
Never said they did get it right in this case. But did the perp get it right? Or does it not matter one bit? Does it never take two to Tango? Be real. Seems to me you're saying it doesn't matter what… (View Post)
Nope. That belief and approach is why this keeps happening. Communication is a two way street. Your position acquiesces in the attitudes and conduct, i.e., non-cooperation and escalation, that turns … (View Post)