Funny. About a dozen old drop acid, drop out hipsters limp into downtown and it pulls in more journalists than protesters. A slow news day for you and uncle mushroom hunter huh ern? (View Post)
Anyone know what Mr. Nose Candy is stammering on about? What was the vote for? A link would have been nice. Its easy to mock with zero context. It seems to be the lefts favorite way of communicating … (View Post)
Me? Screaming at you? Hell, you are pure entertainment on here. Stay just the way you are. You and that girlfriend of yours are a perfect match. If i was you I would have her tone down the dyke look … (View Post)
I think you are angry because you woke up, realized that Sydney was just a dream, rolled over and realized you were still with your long-term gender confused girlfriend. I'm sure she is a hell of a f… (View Post)
When they (rightfully so) changed the rules so that the airlines couldn't push you out of the flight attendant job at 32 years of age, the older stews came back and the change was pretty stark. It we… (View Post)