Newsome is the absolute classic insulated liberal elitist. In his world he is told how wonderful he is and he believes it. In the real world where the little people live, he has tortured them with in… (View Post)
hh steps in that steaming pile of shit AGAIN! You let 11 million unvaccinated illegals into the country and you are going to get a bunch of people sick. What next hh? You going to support that rat go… (View Post)
I have worked with every level as a consumer, a salesman and a lobbyist.. In my opinion the fed is the worst. Second worst is the city level and then county. The best in my opinion is the state level… (View Post)
Funny. About a dozen old drop acid, drop out hipsters limp into downtown and it pulls in more journalists than protesters. A slow news day for you and uncle mushroom hunter huh ern? (View Post)
Anyone know what Mr. Nose Candy is stammering on about? What was the vote for? A link would have been nice. Its easy to mock with zero context. It seems to be the lefts favorite way of communicating … (View Post)