quietcowskee is just another liberal whack job. He is not a deep thinker. He just hates Trump and he hates those that don't like cowskees brand of socialism. He is no different than the other brain d… (View Post)
No surprise you are drinking your elitist leaders' poison kool aide. So ridiculous. Audits of wasteful spending is a bad thing to liberals. LOL! Just how low can you people go? (View Post)
Umm…….we have had 8 years of rat prosecutors, rat DOJ, rat FBI leaders using their power illegally to get Trump. None of you can be trusted, your legal team has lost all respect. As soon as Adams sta… (View Post)
Ha ha. A Brooks Brothers tie wearing wimp from CA is calling for an armed insurrection. Rats better not be pushing that one. That fight would last about a day. Tough to camouflage purple hair and fak… (View Post)