Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.

AEB Founders Club

  • Re: Pleasant to UW

    Bad form on my part. he's my 2016 breakout player on O. Speed you can't teach plus another year with Ivan. He started seeing the field late in '15. I think he plays a role.
  • Re: UW has gone south on Mique Juarez

    I'm struggling with all the twists and turns, and ins and outs, so are we(?) still in it for Mique?
  • Re: #OurGaskin

    hence why I'm nervous about RB. Can't give Gaskin the ball 25-30x a game. He'll break down. Nothing behind him. Fingers crossed for Jomon turning serviceable.
  • Re: #OurDaniels

    I don't agree with this. I think the TEs have shown in '15. Lack of production is pinned on Polishgrandma. Perkins had a solid year. DD is developing (better in pass game than blocking). Sample had a…
  • Re: This what pisses me off

    It's about fucking trying. I know TSIO. But just fucking try and win. Ill Doog heavily if we just fucking try to win. But this? This is garbage. Not trying is garbage.