Exactly. It's like when that former crack addict As-See-On-Tv pillow company CEO decided the conservative media grift was his for the taking, but everyone blew him off and ignored him because he's a … (View Post)
Can someone please email those screenshots to Jen Cohen and let her know that they're about to be all over the internet, making her look like a complete dipshit for hiring this asshole. (View Post)
I want to know what changed on the sideline between Stanford's third drive and that last one. What changes were made that gave anybody on the staff the belief that the defense would hold? Nothing? Th… (View Post)
I found two such win probability calculators. Both said to kick the field goal. One of them said, "Kick the field goal, and BTP likes to cite statistics that he doesn't understand to sound cool.… (View Post)
Analytics!? Oh, this is rich. Pray tell what analytics you're referencing. Show your work. A six point led with less than two minutes and two timeouts is WAY safer than three. (View Post)