Most of us would probably do the same thing. Except
@MikeDamone .

"I would ask you to, as part of the sentencing, to grant me five minutes in a locked room with this demon," Margraves says. The judge says she can't do that.
"Would you give me one minute?" Margraves asks.
"You know that I can't do that," Judge Janet Cunningham says.
Margraves then rushes across the courtroom toward Nassar.
He is pushed back by Nassar's attorney. Deputies tackle Margraves to the floor, his head striking a table. The officers tell him to put his hands behind his back, as Margraves continues protesting, "I want that son of a b****!" and "Give me one minute with that bastard."
The deputies pull him off the floor and begin to lead him out of the room.
"What if this had happened to you guys' daughters?" Margraves asks them.
"No one can behave like this," Assistant Attorney General Angela Povilaitis says to the gallery. "I want to make sure it's crystal clear."
Margraves turns back and says, "You haven't lived through it, lady!"
"This is letting him [Nassar] have this power of over us," Povilaitis says, sounding shaken. "I don't want to see another parent get arrested or put handcuffs on."
"I understand Mr. Margraves' frustration," she says. "But you cannot do this. This is not helping your children, this is not helping your community, this is not helping us. ... Use your words, use your experiences to get him, and to change. Do not use physical violence."
The bailiffs, deputies, and Nassar's attorney quietly put the courtroom back into order.
You can rob, commit murder, use drugs, etc. and be better off in prison than a child molester. Many of the other inmates have children, and they get a thrill out of tormenting said molesters.
Pros - often demands double/triple team to match his aggression, gym rat that loves to compete, good locker room guy. Great hips. Nose for the QB.