They do look like total morons at the moment. To sum it up in one word, snowflakes. I guess that may appeal to a portion of their base and many on this bored.
This country has some serious gerrymandering and electoral vote issues that need to get addressed. Stacking the deck with judges who serve your party long after your political party decays, isn't new. If these issues don't get fixed, there will be more and more states, not named Wyoming, threatening to secede every year.
There needs to be term limits for senators, house of representatives, and the Supreme Court. Some members of the Supreme Court even fall asleep during sessions.
The Supreme Court gave themselves power in Marbury v Madison. It's not in the Constitution for the Supreme Court to be in the "checks and balances" system we learned in elementary. Judicial Review was created.
This country has some serious gerrymandering and electoral vote issues that need to get addressed. Stacking the deck with judges who serve your party long after your political party decays, isn't new. If these issues don't get fixed, there will be more and more states, not named Wyoming, threatening to secede every year.
There needs to be term limits for senators, house of representatives, and the Supreme Court. Some members of the Supreme Court even fall asleep during sessions.
The Supreme Court gave themselves power in Marbury v Madison. It's not in the Constitution for the Supreme Court to be in the "checks and balances" system we learned in elementary. Judicial Review was created.
The Supreme Court needs some checks, which were never given.
the constitution gave congress the authority to limit the scope of the SC not including rights specifically laid in by the constitution. Congress has basically chosen to give them this power without any checks. Now they're able to just make law unilaterally largely based on their political views without any consequence.
If you're a conservative see Roe v Wade, gay marriage, etc.
If you're a liberal see Citizens United, and the voting rights case from 2 years ago.
Agree on term limits, gerrymandering, and scrapping the EC
This country has some serious gerrymandering and electoral vote issues that need to get addressed. Stacking the deck with judges who serve your party long after your political party decays, isn't new. If these issues don't get fixed, there will be more and more states, not named Wyoming, threatening to secede every year.
There needs to be term limits for senators, house of representatives, and the Supreme Court. Some members of the Supreme Court even fall asleep during sessions.
The Supreme Court gave themselves power in Marbury v Madison. It's not in the Constitution for the Supreme Court to be in the "checks and balances" system we learned in elementary. Judicial Review was created.
The Supreme Court needs some checks, which were never given.
Competitive redistricting and campaign finance reform would go a long way toward solving the problems in Washington. Mixed feelings about term limits. Incumbents tend to get re-elected unless they really screw up, which favors them over challengers, but you don't want to screw over people (or their constituencies) who do a good job by not letting them keep their job. You also want to keep a shadow of the future; we see presidents have trouble getting things done in their last terms because there's no threat of their re-election. Lame-duck congressmen would have a similar problem.
Fuck. Judicial review exists as a safeguard against the tyranny of the majority, ensuring that the Constitution protects liberty as well as democracy. The courts cannot fulfill that role if they behave too deferentially to the other elected branches of government. While I understand the slippery slope arguments, too much judicial activism is always better than too little. History supports this. Furthermore, as we all know, the arguments for judicial restraint are almost always in reality another form of judicial activism in sheep's clothing. It's an academic shell game.
"Still, we can assume, based on past performance, that Trump will learn from the mistakes."
Can we? YES WE CAN!
They are doubling-down on RETARD!!!!
There needs to be term limits for senators, house of representatives, and the Supreme Court. Some members of the Supreme Court even fall asleep during sessions.
The Supreme Court gave themselves power in Marbury v Madison. It's not in the Constitution for the Supreme Court to be in the "checks and balances" system we learned in elementary. Judicial Review was created.
The Supreme Court needs some checks, which were never given.
If you're a conservative see Roe v Wade, gay marriage, etc.
If you're a liberal see Citizens United, and the voting rights case from 2 years ago.
Agree on term limits, gerrymandering, and scrapping the EC
Checks and balances and such.