I did my first FanPost after our victory to ASU. Some people wanted me to make more of them. I haven't had a lot of time with a full time job, grad school, and having a new born in the house. Literally throwing this together. I'm not going to bother proof reading it. So deal with errors, like a man.
After watching the stanford game I thought I would make one last FanPost for the season... It's just so fucking depressing tho, lol. The method for selecting the play to analyze literally came down to me finding the game on YouTube. And RANDOMLY clicking in the play bar until I found one completely random Oregon defensive play and one completely random offensive play. I had to analyze the play that I got. I didn't pick any specific play.
I did this for two reasons.
1. I didn't have time to watch through the whole shit show again.
2. There were so many fucking terrible plays, formations, play calls, mistakes, all over the map I figured the odds were decent I'd find something interesting or comical. Hell maybe I would get lucky and get a nice TD play or something...
Nice Canton. REAL FUCKING NICE. "Medical Hardship". I see how it works. We see you.

Anyway. First random play of the day.
Oregon lines up in a "default" formation. Essentially a Cover-2 with two deep. This is an easy formation to spot for the QB but there is nothing wrong with this picture at all. It's a good defensive call. Our corners, as per usual, think they are Cliff Harris and Ifo combined and that they can jump routes all day. Get used to huge murderous cushions as long as we don't have more talent...

The basic premiss of a Cover-2 is that your safeties help cover the back end of the field if it's needed. But look at this. The ball hasn't even been snapped yet and Schooler has already vanished and the other safety at the top is ALREADY backpedaling. WHAT THE FUCK. You have a good 20 yards to start. How fucking fast can a WR from stnafrod really run?

Ball is snapped and as you can see, having the safeties drop back early not only enabled santford's WR to get wide open, our defense created an uncovered WR running straight down the hash.

I mean. Just look at this. How MANY times do we, poor Duck fans, have to endure watching our defense give up WIDE open shallow cross routes. I guess we built some bad karma over the last 9 years because this play right here, in combination with any running play up the middle, could be ran in succession from the start of the game until the end of the game and the Ducks would lose. Of course there's a missed tackle on the play and it goes from short of a first down to an additional 5-7 yards (if I remember correctly)

OK. So offense. I saw a few beautiful passes from Justin in this game. Just DIMES. Would I be lucky to randomly click around the video progress bar until I saw an Oregon offensive formation. Would that play be one of those throws? Let's find out!
At first glance, it looks like a standard formation. Could be promising. Could suck...
It's a running play.
The Guard is supposed to pull to the left and pick up #9 there. It's a good play call. Mundt is picking up the LB etc.
What ensues however is complete fucking garbage. I will let these images speak for themselves. Because I watched this play 3 times. And the "blocking" by the guard made me laugh out loud. He not only whiffs it.... I.. I can't even...

Watching this play feels like it sums up Oregon's season. We win games when we run the ball effectively because as you know, if you have a running threat, it opens up the passing game. Our offensive lines inexperience and youth really has shown this season. Our only senior O-lineman seem to be extremely fond of yellow bean bags. Hence our running game this year has been abysmal. We also know you winning football games starts in the trenches and Oregon has really played poorly on both sides of the trench this year.
Hopefully players will look at themselves long and hard this offseason and ask if they like what they see.
From the first game, this Oregon football team didn't feel right. They felt soft, no swagger, and complacent. And that, is on the coaches. And by the way. What is it Mark always says? Trust the process? Doesn't it feel like, at this point, he's the epitome of an insane person? Keep doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result?
fuck this shit, motherfucker.