I am continually astounded at the woke left. This judge is absolutely ridiculously unqualified to even mention military leadership let alone dictate policy. The arrogance being shown by these unqualified activist judges is an incredible thing to witness.
The SC has got to rule on this quickly. Unelected liberal judges should not be dictating anything.
I do find it interesting that liberals have a big problem with an unelected Musk dealing with DOGE but have zero problems with unelected activist and anti-Constitution liberal judges creating law.
if this is the shit that the DNC and the left want to hang their hat on, sounds great to me.
We’re here to lower your taxes, keep your kids out of foreign wars, reduce the price of gas and groceries, and protect your towns from murderers and rapists from Venezuela and El Salvador.
These people over here wanna prevent the deportation of violent criminals, fund wars on the other side of the world, and make sure that transgenders can shower with your daughters and join the military.
The Dems should just start being open about this and stop lying to everyone. They celebrate killing unborn children, so who cares if some get molested by potential voters? Dehumanizing humans in the womb of course leads to less concern and empathy for the lives of others.
If this is the country @HHusky wants as he shills nonstop for Democrats, just be open about it.
I have spent years in MX, South and Central America on business. People that go to resorts in those countries have no idea what 90% of the countries look like or what kind of people inhabit that 90% of the country. The poverty is horrendous and the lack of education or a civilized society is otherworldly. Rape, theft, murder, are rampant and the lack of honest law enforcement is evident everywhere you go. The liberals in this country who supported bidens open border wouldn't last 5 minutes in the inner cities or in the remote areas of some of these places. It is so bad I can't even describe it to you.
So rats let them in this country and what do they do? They do exactly what they did in their own country. They rape, steal, beat, murder and defy our laws. There should be zero surprise but I am still amazed at how stupid and uneducated the liberal elites are. They think letting criminals back out on the street is a good thing. There is no justification for it yet they defend it anyway because they know that like the rats on here, it doesn't matter what they do as the elite leaders, the minions will vote for them anyway.
Instead of funding endless wars, a better investment would be to raise the standard of living in Central and Sourh America by bringing manufacturing to those countries.
We spent 40 years outsourcing everything to China and their economic power now matches the US. Quit feeding that beast and transform this hemisphere.
Maybe quit funding cartels drug and human trafficking activity too.
I don't go to Mexico or any other of those shithole south american countries. No bueno. Criminals in charge in their governments and criminals everywhere. Shame there are some nice places but it's all bad now.
Spent some time in El Salvador both business and to hang with a friend who owned a spread there. It was a super hell hole with zero safety for anyone. Hopefully it has changed but I ain't ever going back.
I am continually astounded at the woke left. This judge is absolutely ridiculously unqualified to even mention military leadership let alone dictate policy. The arrogance being shown by these unqualified activist judges is an incredible thing to witness.
The SC has got to rule on this quickly. Unelected liberal judges should not be dictating anything.
I do find it interesting that liberals have a big problem with an unelected Musk dealing with DOGE but have zero problems with unelected activist and anti-Constitution liberal judges creating law.
Roberts will slow roll this. His overlords want chaos.
And even when he does allow this nonsense to get to the SCOTUS, he and ACB will overrule and side with the limp dick district courts.
First, right.
So separation of powers is important until it's not i guess.
While it's very distressing to say the least, Mike Davis does say that there are several tools in the toolbox to fight this
if this is the shit that the DNC and the left want to hang their hat on, sounds great to me.
We’re here to lower your taxes, keep your kids out of foreign wars, reduce the price of gas and groceries, and protect your towns from murderers and rapists from Venezuela and El Salvador.
These people over here wanna prevent the deportation of violent criminals, fund wars on the other side of the world, and make sure that transgenders can shower with your daughters and join the military.
Sounds like pretty easy 2026 messaging to me.
TheBiden Bro/Commie Chucks are thrilled!
The Dems should just start being open about this and stop lying to everyone. They celebrate killing unborn children, so who cares if some get molested by potential voters? Dehumanizing humans in the womb of course leads to less concern and empathy for the lives of others.
If this is the country @HHusky wants as he shills nonstop for Democrats, just be open about it.
wtf is it with central/South America and child rape?
I have spent years in MX, South and Central America on business. People that go to resorts in those countries have no idea what 90% of the countries look like or what kind of people inhabit that 90% of the country. The poverty is horrendous and the lack of education or a civilized society is otherworldly. Rape, theft, murder, are rampant and the lack of honest law enforcement is evident everywhere you go. The liberals in this country who supported bidens open border wouldn't last 5 minutes in the inner cities or in the remote areas of some of these places. It is so bad I can't even describe it to you.
So rats let them in this country and what do they do? They do exactly what they did in their own country. They rape, steal, beat, murder and defy our laws. There should be zero surprise but I am still amazed at how stupid and uneducated the liberal elites are. They think letting criminals back out on the street is a good thing. There is no justification for it yet they defend it anyway because they know that like the rats on here, it doesn't matter what they do as the elite leaders, the minions will vote for them anyway.
Instead of funding endless wars, a better investment would be to raise the standard of living in Central and Sourh America by bringing manufacturing to those countries.
We spent 40 years outsourcing everything to China and their economic power now matches the US. Quit feeding that beast and transform this hemisphere.
Maybe quit funding cartels drug and human trafficking activity too.
We’re doing that at my company trying to do more Mexico.
Lots of advantages but still not quite there compared to china from a capability standpoint
Promising though
You just want to bang hot Mexican Salma Hayek lookalikes.
I don't blame you.
I don't go to Mexico or any other of those shithole south american countries. No bueno. Criminals in charge in their governments and criminals everywhere. Shame there are some nice places but it's all bad now.
Costa Rica is nice. Have heard El Salvador is vastly improved under the new president. Guatemala is a corrupt shithole. Loved Belize.
Didn't much like Panama. Seemed like the natives sort of put up with Americans.
Mexico used to be a good spot. Haven't been there is about 5 years though my kids go to Cabo at least once per year and love it.
Spent some time in El Salvador both business and to hang with a friend who owned a spread there. It was a super hell hole with zero safety for anyone. Hopefully it has changed but I ain't ever going back.
The pedos were big on Costa Rica in So. Cal. there must be a reason for that.