We use the filter on our refrigerator. They're actually rated pretty damn well as far as how much junk they can remove from the water. Dream scenario is the filter setup for the main water line coming into the house. Probably would be a good investment to make since our water utility is going to start adding chlorine in the near future.
My water comes from a well that taps into an underground aquifer that feeds a huge spring. The city has one of their water test stations at the corner of my property. I’ve talked with the water tester occasionally and everything has always been well above minimum standards.
EWG looks fishy to my eye and a site created to sell water filters.
For example, our Bend tap is a pure as the driven snow and comes straight out of natural springs below Tumalo Mt.
But according the the "EWG Scientists" it's full of toxic stuff and I need to buy one of their water filters.
I'll bet you the EWG Scientists would have you filtering Evian.
Evian has microplastics in it.
Tap water probably does, too.
We use the filter on our refrigerator. They're actually rated pretty damn well as far as how much junk they can remove from the water. Dream scenario is the filter setup for the main water line coming into the house. Probably would be a good investment to make since our water utility is going to start adding chlorine in the near future.
But muh Floride is for my teeth 🤡
Muh well doesn't have fluoride.
Nor did my City of Spokane aquifer water when we lived in town.
The Throbber's third
legeye isn't calcified.We don't have flouride in our water.
Nah - the Spokane aquifer comes from way farther north. Out of Lake Pend O'Reille and the residual of Lake Missoula.
Besides, a little lead never hurt anybody.
Looks like fake news, sad.
My water comes from a well that taps into an underground aquifer that feeds a huge spring. The city has one of their water test stations at the corner of my property. I’ve talked with the water tester occasionally and everything has always been well above minimum standards.
Gotta sell them water filters, boss, cuz EWG "scientists".
Camas will be the first city in Washington to get rid of it.
Spokane never had it. Though every 3 or 4 years, some maroon tries to pontificate about the benefits of fluoridated water.
Fuck that.
I don’t really have a dwag in this particular fight. Still buying toothpaste with flouride but the kids are not eating the stuff.
Our community well doesn’t have fluoride. Our water is excellent, but I still run it through a Berkey.