Our elite leftards can't do math. Or science. Or economics. You see it here on the Tug. Proudly ignorant. How in the hell do you get into Harvard with a shitty SAT math score? Rhetorical question. And the dazzler thought that barry was the smartest president evah because he was the Harvard Law Review editor.
I grew up in a small town in South Dakota. I suppose our per-student school budget, in constant dollars, was maybe 10% of what contemporary suburban schools spend. But our teachers were smart, and the quality was high. I took algebra in 8th grade, as I recall, and several more advanced math courses after that. Although math wasn’t really my deal, I took calculus in college.
Fast forward to 2025. Harvard, which gets its pick of pretty much any high school seniors it wants, is offering remedial classes in algebra, for the first time ever:
“Rectifying a lack of foundational algebra skills among students.” What an indictment of our K-12 education system, both public and private!
I wouldn't recommended CS to an 18 year old today because 95% of them think there's a golden ticket taped to your degree when that hasn't been the reality for at least 12 years.
And my biggest problems came from kids, even a Michigan Engineering grad in one case, that expect that kind of treatment.
There are some people on UW's campus that are Fuck You smart that delve into what she's talking about and actually know and work with business owners in Seattle. A Swiss army knife type of grad isn't bad for business (there's a fuck ton of need for that in my space) it just shouldn't be a backstop for people like her that suck.
Go into the trades right now. Someday robots will dig all the ditches and plumb all the plumbing but for the foreseeable future, money follows physical skills.
If the Throbber had it to do over again, he'd have run an excavation company because big ass Tonka machines are cool af.
The problem is that they blew up the amount of people with communications and poly sci degrees and shit (almost 100 percent women) and now the dems crow about they are the "educated" voters.
So now not only do they lose the largest majority by smugly talking down to them, but they also still are the lower income group of people.
"Educated" women with low income is basically a surefire dem voter.
Speaking of utter nonsense
Both of my daughters are in STEM programs. One is a Democrat, but at least she will be employable as a veterinarian.
Our elite leftards can't do math. Or science. Or economics. You see it here on the Tug. Proudly ignorant. How in the hell do you get into Harvard with a shitty SAT math score? Rhetorical question. And the dazzler thought that barry was the smartest president evah because he was the Harvard Law Review editor.
Harvard Students Can’t Do MathI grew up in a small town in South Dakota. I suppose our per-student school budget, in constant dollars, was maybe 10% of what contemporary suburban schools spend. But our teachers were smart, and the quality was high. I took algebra in 8th grade, as I recall, and several more advanced math courses after that. Although math wasn’t really my deal, I took calculus in college.
Fast forward to 2025. Harvard, which gets its pick of pretty much any high school seniors it wants, is offering remedial classes in algebra, for the first time ever:
“Rectifying a lack of foundational algebra skills among students.” What an indictment of our K-12 education system, both public and private!
I used to joke that my 1974 high school diploma was worth more than an Ivy League degree today. Not joking anymore
Actually could have got into computers like Job and Gates if I didn't think they were a tool of the devil and big brother
Probably right about that one too
Easy tech bros just kidding
I wouldn't recommended CS to an 18 year old today because 95% of them think there's a golden ticket taped to your degree when that hasn't been the reality for at least 12 years.
And my biggest problems came from kids, even a Michigan Engineering grad in one case, that expect that kind of treatment.
There are some people on UW's campus that are Fuck You smart that delve into what she's talking about and actually know and work with business owners in Seattle. A Swiss army knife type of grad isn't bad for business (there's a fuck ton of need for that in my space) it just shouldn't be a backstop for people like her that suck.
Go into the trades right now. Someday robots will dig all the ditches and plumb all the plumbing but for the foreseeable future, money follows physical skills.
If the Throbber had it to do over again, he'd have run an excavation company because big ass Tonka machines are cool af.
I like to say you can't build a building in Seattle in India
The problem is that they blew up the amount of people with communications and poly sci degrees and shit (almost 100 percent women) and now the dems crow about they are the "educated" voters.
So now not only do they lose the largest majority by smugly talking down to them, but they also still are the lower income group of people.
"Educated" women with low income is basically a surefire dem voter.
Worked for me; I get to play with big trains every day lol...well not at the moment with my cancer.... hopefully again in july.