About .005% of people in the USA were murdered by gun in 2023, and that’s if all killed were US citizens. Not even close to the number who die annually from drug overdoses as a result of your open borders, Margaret, and don’t forget the number of gun deaths from”illegal” guns in your Dem cities due to drugs, too.
There are no coincidences
Anybody see Ern in Austin this week?
Murdered with a gun in America??? What are the odds?
Dammit. I was going to try and get in before the most miserable douche online could get in with a glib quip about how the guy brought it on himself.
Gotta be quicker I guess.
Murdered by a leftist?
Odds are great
About .005% of people in the USA were murdered by gun in 2023, and that’s if all killed were US citizens. Not even close to the number who die annually from drug overdoses as a result of your open borders, Margaret, and don’t forget the number of gun deaths from”illegal” guns in your Dem cities due to drugs, too.
He’s so statistically unlikely to have been murdered that it never happened, Chrissey helpfully explained.
Must defend everything
Just be a man for once and say you're glad he got murdered you little faggot
You asked about the odds, Margaret.
You’re too stupid to figure it out yourself, so I did the work for you.
As always
H advocating for political killings is the least surprising thing about this.
The odds are overwhelming that a US murder victim will have been killed with a gun.
I'd never heard of him before.
This was a political car break in.
Maybe it was his gay lover who attacked him?
Much more so if you are black. But that gun will be wielded by another black.
false flag, killer was a paid actor, something something Bilderbergs and Rothschilds, aliens.
Show those colors gals
Alex Jones sure did. Nothing says grieving a colleague like using it to generate clicks for yourself.
He deserved it
Nice people