This actually gets pretty good. I have said one of the few positives of joining the Big 10 is more programs getting exposed to how awful that program and fanbase are. I think it's a Nebraska fan that puts it perfectly that they're ultra cocky, can't take a single joke, and are obsessed with Washington.
One thing for better or worse in Washington is our state actually has an NFL team, and one that has been a good franchise the past 20 years, so a lot of the dipshit "can't name three players" type fans just are 12s. People who have stuck with UW football through all the shit at this point generally have to be good actual fans.
Funny how all the other teams in the PAC are too pathetic to call the ducks out on their insanity. Even USC was too obsessed with croots that ducks too from them to have any real perspective. The overall CFB IQ has clearly skyrocketed in the B10 and it took the other teams exactly 1 season to turn on them
Well a lot of the programs simply lacked fans. Living in LA, most USC fans I came across were ultra casual and were content with the fading glow of the Pete Carroll years. UCLA fans were happy as long as they could rib their USC co-workers by beating them every few years. The rest seemed either too small to care, too academic to care or too inarticulate and troll to take seriously (Cuog and Beav).
This actually gets pretty good. I have said one of the few positives of joining the Big 10 is more programs getting exposed to how awful that program and fanbase are. I think it's a Nebraska fan that puts it perfectly that they're ultra cocky, can't take a single joke, and are obsessed with Washington.
MIZJOE95 2m ago
Yeah listen man, as a Missourian living in OR now….y’all gotta cope lmao
Also husky fans somehow have more football culture and diehards than ducks fans and that’s saying something for NW college football fans (besides WSU)
Every UO fan out here owns like a T shirt and doesn’t remember what weekend the civil war is
One thing for better or worse in Washington is our state actually has an NFL team, and one that has been a good franchise the past 20 years, so a lot of the dipshit "can't name three players" type fans just are 12s. People who have stuck with UW football through all the shit at this point generally have to be good actual fans.
"Somehow?" OK! MIZJOE95 sounds like a fucking idiot Millennial from Mizzurah who knows nothing about CFB. Oh, wait.
Funny how all the other teams in the PAC are too pathetic to call the ducks out on their insanity. Even USC was too obsessed with croots that ducks too from them to have any real perspective. The overall CFB IQ has clearly skyrocketed in the B10 and it took the other teams exactly 1 season to turn on them
Well a lot of the programs simply lacked fans. Living in LA, most USC fans I came across were ultra casual and were content with the fading glow of the Pete Carroll years. UCLA fans were happy as long as they could rib their USC co-workers by beating them every few years. The rest seemed either too small to care, too academic to care or too inarticulate and troll to take seriously (Cuog and Beav).
Yeah that makes sense but even the active ones online were lame
I wonder what might’ve soured them on our friends down south?
Holy cringe I forgot about that