I'd go with dumber. Ran into a horrible GP in California. He's the guy I almost got in a fight with over blood pressure. Smug little prick but he madr me show him so it worked out
You know what they call the dumbest fucker that graduates in every med school class? Doctor.
The problem is that just about nobody is actually qualified to tell a shit doctor from a good one. That's why you should get a second, or even a third opinion.
In my experience, GP's know how to prescribe stuff and that's about it. Specialists seem to know their shit at a much higher level relative to their job.
Doctors are either getting dumber or more corrupt. I report you decide.
I'd go with dumber. Ran into a horrible GP in California. He's the guy I almost got in a fight with over blood pressure. Smug little prick but he madr me show him so it worked out
You know what they call the dumbest fucker that graduates in every med school class? Doctor.
The problem is that just about nobody is actually qualified to tell a shit doctor from a good one. That's why you should get a second, or even a third opinion.
In my experience, GP's know how to prescribe stuff and that's about it. Specialists seem to know their shit at a much higher level relative to their job.