Not talking about Ern, sounds like he needed to take a break. I'm talking about you crying about H too.
Between this and Race whining about the Dems supposed "rage" if they say anything at all, you girls are all up in your feelings today. The Caddyshack bored isn't busy if you need a cry room.
my guy, you’ve been struggling through 600 pages of the Ukraine thread
Some of us are just autistic not emotionally unstable.
Hardy har har
How the hell do we resurrect Ern?????? Can we make another donation to HH? I’m sure he’s learned his lesson!
I would support a like-kind exchange between Ern and buck
You wanna fuckin trade me out? No way! We’re all family at this point.
Once again Bucky exposing himself for the moron that he is.
Good lord son, find your lane and stay in it.
In a few years maybe you can move up. You clearly don't understand where your current intellect lies.
Your immature, arrogant mouth is going to be your undoing.
Do teams often trade players already released to waivers?
Can we do a custody agreement, like Wednesday night and every other weekend?
Plus teenagers usually blow those off anyway to hang out with their friends.
Sounds like Ern couldn't just sit back and enjoy bowl season.
I don't know why you guys always want these fucking dorks back. I have no use for HH either.
HHelmet is the dimwitted Leftist drunk uncle that you kind of miss if he can’t sober up for the holiday gathering.
Even when he calls you a fascist you know it’s because he doesn’t know what that word means.
if you all were left in an echo chamber, this place would turn into Rain City Jacks overnight. Be thankful.
When the leftists on here are shitposting 20x a day solely to be contrary its stupid
Not talking about Ern, sounds like he needed to take a break. I'm talking about you crying about H too.
Between this and Race whining about the Dems supposed "rage" if they say anything at all, you girls are all up in your feelings today. The Caddyshack bored isn't busy if you need a cry room.
This place was crawling with Biden voters or Trump haters in 2020.
No one ran them off. Pretty sure they got embarrassed fast by Biden
And I know you're a fan of my work. Do something about your rage and you'll be fine here
I’ve been fine here for a long time, bud
I've heard some rumblings pal
Learn the difference between arguing for entertainment over an interesting subject, and a fixation that leads to a ban
Fucking dipshit retard.