We’re doing it! USA USA!!!
A couple of questions though:
What’s our endgame here?
In a trade war, both economies get hurt. If you’re gonna bring jobs back to the us, us salaries are almost gonna certainly raise the prices on what you’re buying. And my understanding from you guys was people couldn’t afford stuff before that.
So you are in favor of the status quo then. At least you are honest.
The status quo was horrible, I'm told.
For some reason.
Friends? We don't need any friends, damnit!
Well, then do it, Ford. Let’s see it.
Is he double-dog swearing and really means it this time? I’d consider an immediate cut off of energy to over a million US households and businesses to be an act of war if I was Trump. There have to be contracts for this, too.
The end game is fair trade.
The status quo where both nations prospered from trade? Im failing to recognize what problem we were trying to address here.
How much international trade have you been involved with in your career?
Both nations?
I laughed. That is quite an assumption to make.
Buck, none, but I’m dealing for the last day with a retarded freight broker. A broker who is going to have a pallet with $75,000 in oil pump products sitting at the Montana-Canadian border tomorrow morning if he can’t get the tax paperwork straight and call our shipping guy (or me) and the company we are shipping it to back to the R&L driver ASAP.
I work for a fortune 10 company so I have plenty knowledge in this area thanks. I have more international trade experience in my Johnson than this entire board combined
It is not realistic to have US companies purchase parts, merchandise, in America and allow them to compete. Anyone who believes this is dumb as dirt/EverettChris.
Complaining that the other side fired back during the war you started is pathetic.
Complaining that the other side fired back during the war you started is pathetic.
So Canada has no existing tariffs on any US products? Interesting since they do.
Ford is a pussy if he doesn’t follow through on his threat now, and yes, deliberately harming millions of US citizens by cutting off their power is an act of war IMO.
You are truly anti-American at this point.
Yes, Canada is bitching about being forced closer to fair trade is pathetic, agreed.
Building the HR intranet for Amazon counts as the international trade?
You seriously have me all wrong Bob. I’m cheering for the following:
-Deporting the farm employees who are illegal aliens who are getting paid under the table and replace them with Americans, who you will have to pay at an obnoxious rate to do that job
-Eliminating all imports and have everything built in the USA
I’ve done enough where I can escape to another country and watch from afar the idiots who endorse these policies have to deal with the aftermath of paying American made prices for them. I’m cheering for it.
Tariffs only hurt America if they are American tariffs
Other countries impose tariffs and it helps America
I work for a Fortune 500,000 company so I know
The point you don’t seem to understand is the ease of international companies selling into the US vs the complete pain in the ass on logistics, tax, banking, regulation and economic disadvantage of going the other direction.
Where's the goal line, ladies?
What signifies "fair"?
Scrubbing toilets at Amazon Lake Union doesn’t make you a trade expert, Spaz.