Intelligent people don't equate providing aid with sending troops to Vietnam.
I'm not Ukrainian. Breaking news. You're welcome to head on "home" to Ukraine.
Pound for pound South Vietnam was worth saving more than Ukraine is. Democrats in Congress were darn near unanimous in selling out that ally. Let's be adults here instead of pom pom waving idiots
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The Ukrainians are playing on their home field.
Intelligent people don't equate providing aid with sending troops to Vietnam.
But they sure as fuck compare Trump to Hitler.
Or J6 to 9/11 or the Civil War.
Walk the safety up again.
Intelligent people want a business plan anas a requirement for their investment. For as long as it takes is fucking retarded business plan.
I'm not Ukrainian. Breaking news. You're welcome to head on "home" to Ukraine.
Pound for pound South Vietnam was worth saving more than Ukraine is. Democrats in Congress were darn near unanimous in selling out that ally. Let's be adults here instead of pom pom waving idiots
At one time it was good business for these fucks. Neo-con profiteers who begat the bigger warmongering fuck in Obama.
America has done woke up to this nonsense.
Try to find Ralphie May's cheap gas bit on the interwebs. It's been scrubbed. The cash is all these fuckers care about. Especially using OPM.
We need to start conquering and taking spoils
Make war profitable again