Ha ha ha. "What did she lie about?" Can you be this ignorant or are you just obtuse?
Maddow lied about Trumps tax returns, lied for two fucking years, hundreds of times about Russian collusion, she just recently lost a lawsuit when she falsely accused some doctor in GA of needlessly taking out uteruses. She has falsely accused dozens of people on the right of being racists, sexist, homophobic, anti lgtbq etc.
HHelmet for some reason let it be known that he was a Slow Kid and he’s been in scramble mode since.
Again, it tracks.
i prefer HimmlerHusky
Ha ha ha. "What did she lie about?" Can you be this ignorant or are you just obtuse?
Maddow lied about Trumps tax returns, lied for two fucking years, hundreds of times about Russian collusion, she just recently lost a lawsuit when she falsely accused some doctor in GA of needlessly taking out uteruses. She has falsely accused dozens of people on the right of being racists, sexist, homophobic, anti lgtbq etc.
Do we need to go on? Seriously?
You serious Ern?
Obviously, no
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Welcome to 1998!