Guy who admits he couldn’t read until first grade, and is known to exaggerate everything, likely means he was held back a grade at some point and still struggles to read.
His self-owns on the content of the links he believes he posts, versus what the links actually say, are already legendary, and proof of his early struggles.
Put your little helmet back on, grab your coloring crayons, and waddle back to your partitioned cage to make more scribbles, Mongo.
The smart people are trying to educate themselves and have discussions on real issues.
Teachers would get more support if they didn't put up 26 rainbow emblems around the class, say white kids are bad, or at least their grandparents were, and tell a first grader that it's normal for boys to wear dresses and play with Barbie. Oh, and don't forget the furries who take a dump in the litter box because no administrator or school board member has either common sense or a backbone.
Around here, they spend a lot of money on SJW bullshit like the community relations liason to trans Indigenous Asian studies director. God forbid they spend $55,000 on an actual librarian and not an assistant. Then they lose enrollment to the suburban districts, elite charters, and private schools.
2 year vacation was awesome
Many never came back
H voted for it
your grievances justify irresponsible parenting decisions of others
that's just obvious
Simply stating the facts
Take responsibility for your shitty decisions
I learned to read in first grade. It started in September
That explains so much about you. First grade? LMAO
Did they make you sit in your own cubicle and post your scribbles on the outside?
This from the self-admitted slow-developing moron who struggles to correctly paste a link and then never comments on what it says.
JFC HelmetHusky, both my daughters were reading before Kindergarten and are both STEM majors.
I’ve been reading since I was 4.
First grade?! Hilarious
That you peaked intellectually at age 4 is a surprise to absolutely no one.
Did you have anything relevant to add?
Guy who admits he couldn’t read until first grade, and is known to exaggerate everything, likely means he was held back a grade at some point and still struggles to read.
His self-owns on the content of the links he believes he posts, versus what the links actually say, are already legendary, and proof of his early struggles.
Put your little helmet back on, grab your coloring crayons, and waddle back to your partitioned cage to make more scribbles, Mongo.
The smart people are trying to educate themselves and have discussions on real issues.
Dazzler probably completed 28 years of school. That high school diploma is something he's very proud of.
The "I read before elementary school" superiority guy poasts aren't at all embarrassing.
your daughters clearly aren’t yours then. Someone call Maury.
What’s embarrassing is Helmet here thinking that bragging about learning to read in first grade is a worth sharing.
Back to your cubicle, Mongo.
The enraged and middle-aged soccer fag is back.
“No, you’re gay” - average Tug comeback
Chrissy out here trying to guess my age like a sideshow clown.
I don’t know or care if you’re gay.
I do know you’re a faggot.
It's a little late to go with that retreat now.
oh he’s a mad sideshow clown.
Did you have the separate lunch and recess times, too?
Simmer down, Chrissey. Everyone agrees you were really special . . . once.
Teachers would get more support if they didn't put up 26 rainbow emblems around the class, say white kids are bad, or at least their grandparents were, and tell a first grader that it's normal for boys to wear dresses and play with Barbie. Oh, and don't forget the furries who take a dump in the litter box because no administrator or school board member has either common sense or a backbone.
Around here, they spend a lot of money on SJW bullshit like the community relations liason to trans Indigenous Asian studies director. God forbid they spend $55,000 on an actual librarian and not an assistant. Then they lose enrollment to the suburban districts, elite charters, and private schools.