Your binary thinking is a result of your limited, first order cognition. A shame you live in such a simplistic world while thinking you're the smartest one in the room
And you were fine with every other nation placing tariffs on our goods but were against placing tariffs on theirs. We have auto plants in Canada because of tariffs. But you can't see how this works.
extortion is very business friendly, i'm told
Fuck off
Your binary thinking is a result of your limited, first order cognition. A shame you live in such a simplistic world while thinking you're the smartest one in the room
Tarrifs won't work
It's extortion if they do
H enraged over America winning
A tradition unlike any other
just use their playbook
nobody is using Tariffs
OK, but the Tariffs are minor and don't matter
here is why Tariffs are GOOD for you
You girls were the free market absolutists, until you weren't.
It's not a free market when the other side is already imposing tariffs. hth
And you were fine with every other nation placing tariffs on our goods but were against placing tariffs on theirs. We have auto plants in Canada because of tariffs. But you can't see how this works.
In the world of our mythical MBA:
Tariffs are bad and increase prices
Taxes, particularly carbon taxes on gasoline and electricity production, are good because they increase prices.
There also isn’t even close to a free market on currency, which is how trade in-balances would get naturally corrected.
To hh, free markets equal tariffs on the USA.
Brilliant hh, just brilliant.
End the fucking Fed.
Party like it's 1901.
I was told markets THRIVE under regulation.
"Hello, 911? I would like to report a murder. The victim? Name is HH, a mythical creature.
Self described as brilliant but was left holding his ass one too many times.
Oh, call Stalin for location of the body.
One of my favorite Trump statements this term was the "we'll do whatever they do" in regards to tariffs.
This isn't extortion, it's the first 6% is consensual.
Excellent display of your “I learned to read in first grade” humble brag in this thread, HHelmet. Top notch economics from our MBA.
How very anti-income and property taxes of you!
Fight fire with fire.
You would rather roll over and continue to take it.
The "free" trade agreements are trash. Even Burnie said this, Gladys.