Buddy, I am here to tell you thatyou relying on CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and the Washington Post is a lot funnier than anybody relying on Twitter at this point in human history. The fact that you can’t see that following the last three elections, Covid, and the war in Ukraine is astonishing, quite frankly.
What is it like being a worm that feeds off the shit from Pfizer, rock, and the industrial complex with their legacy media mouthpieces?
Most secure election in human history! mask up! Get another booster! Stop transgender genocide! The border is fine! Strongest economy ever! Trump has no chance! Support Ukraine! Green new deal! Build back better! Mostly peaceful protesters! Many people on both sides! Russia, Russia, Russia! Hooker P tapes! tapes! Hunter Biden‘s laptop is Russian disinformation! This is Maga country!
What is your fucking batting average these days anyway?
What does stating your case in the Tug have to do with anything going to trial? Obviously standing, venue, etc. matters in a court of law, but you hiding behind the same logic on a message board is absurd
You'll rely on the Twitter.
Imagine my surprise.
I read it. But reading takes effort. I understand.
Buddy, I am here to tell you thatyou relying on CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and the Washington Post is a lot funnier than anybody relying on Twitter at this point in human history. The fact that you can’t see that following the last three elections, Covid, and the war in Ukraine is astonishing, quite frankly.
What is it like being a worm that feeds off the shit from Pfizer, rock, and the industrial complex with their legacy media mouthpieces?
I’m dying to know
I'm relying on Turley not dime store fake lawyer
So many words just to say it would be simpler for you to let someone else cut your food and you prefer that.
I see relying on yourself was never considered.
Or you could actually explain your position rather than the usual 5 page dodge and deflect
The floor is yours. Turley has spoken.
so, nothing
Most secure election in human history! mask up! Get another booster! Stop transgender genocide! The border is fine! Strongest economy ever! Trump has no chance! Support Ukraine! Green new deal! Build back better! Mostly peaceful protesters! Many people on both sides! Russia, Russia, Russia! Hooker P tapes! tapes! Hunter Biden‘s laptop is Russian disinformation! This is Maga country!
What is your fucking batting average these days anyway?
Dismissed for failure to state a claim. Failed at the pleading stage.
Appropriate deference to legislative acts and that authority.
You girls don't want legislation from the bench. Or so you say.
Disagreement with a policy doesn't automatically give rise to a cause of action.
Labeling any of this as "medical treatment" defied common sense.
The parents complained of "interference" when they actually were seeking to expand the school's duties of assistance.
(And just why do these parents know nothing about their two kids in the school without the school's assistance?)
Turley wins
Imagine your best defense on a message board is a glib procedural objection
You were supposed to keep learning after the 1st grade too.
The scholars here at the Tug believe cases should proceed to trial whether they state a claim under the law or not.
Dismissing such claims is so "procedural".
What does stating your case in the Tug have to do with anything going to trial? Obviously standing, venue, etc. matters in a court of law, but you hiding behind the same logic on a message board is absurd
Upset over 6 days after his party kept schools closed 2 years
This isn't nearly as hard as you are making it.
The case was dismissed for failure to state a claim.
The analysis is inherently legal and you called it "procedural".
You were wrong. Again.
If I was to get upset about every irresponsible parenting decision I would little time for anything else.
You seemed upset
another white flag
2 years closed no problem
6 days? Over the line
Vacation more fun than school!
Film at 11.