Isn't federal technology staffers an oxymoron like deafening silence? The same guys that worked on barry's obamacare website? Anyone who has dealt with the feds know that they have a ton of expensive outdated technology. So, if they don't want to do their job and they quit that is a problem? Only to a leftard.
Mission accomplished! Ducksfc buddies vacated the building themselves, and no one had to go to the trouble of firing them and giving them severance or unemployment.
And how is this a bad thing?
Ducksfc thinks corrupt liberals quitting is a mark against Trump. Muhahahaha……….. More please!!!!!!!!!!!!
The “technology that you speak of were running pre DOS systems that make Asteroids look good. Everywhere in the private sector when companies upgrade to current technology, they are able to shed staff due to much hire efficiency. Once the Federal Government upgrades their Atari 2600’s, there will be money more staff shed. Libs are reaching for anything to make streamlining the Federal Government a bad thing. Our local cat pan liner had a bleeding heart full pictorial of a River Ranger being laid off and of course the idiots in the reply’s were screaming. “ Elon is going to kill people!!!” As if this lone River Ranger was some sort of life guard. When someone reminded them about 400 local people being laid off by Wells Fargo for Xmas and the hundreds of thousands let go for not taking a jab, they did finally shut up.
Anyone who has ever worked with government employees knows that 80% of them are losers who could not make it in the real world. A huge percentage are layabout turds. We cannot fire enough of them.
I'm currently reading the master series, this is child's play.
Did you take the pre-req, LUBE 301?
Isn't federal technology staffers an oxymoron like deafening silence? The same guys that worked on barry's obamacare website? Anyone who has dealt with the feds know that they have a ton of expensive outdated technology. So, if they don't want to do their job and they quit that is a problem? Only to a leftard.
graduated Summa CUM Laude, obviously #raincityjacks
Mission accomplished! Ducksfc buddies vacated the building themselves, and no one had to go to the trouble of firing them and giving them severance or unemployment.
And how is this a bad thing?
Ducksfc thinks corrupt liberals quitting is a mark against Trump. Muhahahaha……….. More please!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have friends in DOGE?
Knew I should’ve asked them to get me that $5000 check early
The “technology that you speak of were running pre DOS systems that make Asteroids look good. Everywhere in the private sector when companies upgrade to current technology, they are able to shed staff due to much hire efficiency. Once the Federal Government upgrades their Atari 2600’s, there will be money more staff shed. Libs are reaching for anything to make streamlining the Federal Government a bad thing. Our local cat pan liner had a bleeding heart full pictorial of a River Ranger being laid off and of course the idiots in the reply’s were screaming. “ Elon is going to kill people!!!” As if this lone River Ranger was some sort of life guard. When someone reminded them about 400 local people being laid off by Wells Fargo for Xmas and the hundreds of thousands let go for not taking a jab, they did finally shut up.
Anyone who has ever worked with government employees knows that 80% of them are losers who could not make it in the real world. A huge percentage are layabout turds. We cannot fire enough of them.