Unarmed 5'3" female veteran shot? She didn't jump in front of anything. No review, no investigation. Completely quashed by Pelosi because as speaker she was in charge of Capitol security. You'd scream if a cop did that yet here. So tell me who opened the magnetically sealed doors? Can only be opened from inside. Cops waived people in. You tell me how you justify deadly force and show me the violence INSIDE the capitol. There's a reason they have not released the tapes and it's not security reasons. This was planned and orchestrated and you voted for it.
I've never needed a "safe space" that's something non-men on the left invented so they have a place to change their tampons. How often do you change your tampon? Inquiring minds want to know how that all works.
IMO Tucker has gone off the rails since his Fox exit. Very weak on Putin, Churchill and Israel in his latest incantation. Still strong on the border, getting out of the Ukraine gift, the chicom crud scam and US government fraud and waste.
Race has now escalated to "whatthefuckaboutism"
Still waiting
What about it? Do you need Lizzie to give you some talking points?
I like how Ace describes true conservative Crenshaw as Eyepatch John McCain.
Speaking of grifters whose grift is coming to an end: Eyepatch John McCain threatened to murder Tucker Carlson because he's such a conservatively conservative who conserves.
@DucksFC’s uncontrollable rage now has him asking for live murders on TV.
Is this loser really a teacher? If so, no wonder today’s kids are so uneducated.
You wonder where the young idiot antifa kids come from? No need for actual education and reasoned thinking, just rage indoctrination.
Unarmed 5'3" female veteran shot? She didn't jump in front of anything. No review, no investigation. Completely quashed by Pelosi because as speaker she was in charge of Capitol security. You'd scream if a cop did that yet here. So tell me who opened the magnetically sealed doors? Can only be opened from inside. Cops waived people in. You tell me how you justify deadly force and show me the violence INSIDE the capitol. There's a reason they have not released the tapes and it's not security reasons. This was planned and orchestrated and you voted for it.
Soccer fan? Check
Angry? Definite check
Stupid? Yep
He’s a blueprint White Dude for Harris in his 20s.
His mom probably put a pussy hat on him 2016 as they paraded through Portland.
definitely not in my 20s Christina, but I posted that video in hopes you would write more love letters to me over it.
@Sledog Get it all out. This is a safe space.
You post like an angry trust fund retard. Figured you are young.
Didn’t watch a video, just see your latest hate-filled outbursts and they make me laugh.
RAWR!! 😂
OK that rawr settles it, you are definitely in love with me.
@CallMeBigErn was begging me to DM him last weekend. Maybe you two should fuck? You’re treating this place like Grindr already.
Tucker and several other journalists were on a Ukrainian hit list. One did get hit. Normal stuff in a democracy.
Crenshaw pissed because he only got a couple years of dirty Ukraine money laundered back to him.
There's a war going on so it's cool
I already turned you down Christina. It’s just not gonna happen. Stop trying
Ern’s substance issues are too much of a red flag.
I've never needed a "safe space" that's something non-men on the left invented so they have a place to change their tampons. How often do you change your tampon? Inquiring minds want to know how that all works.
Do you guys actually like Tucker?
He’s no Joe Scarborough, let me tell you.
IMO Tucker has gone off the rails since his Fox exit. Very weak on Putin, Churchill and Israel in his latest incantation. Still strong on the border, getting out of the Ukraine gift, the chicom crud scam and US government fraud and waste.