Mon- Presidents' Day so had the day off. Took my wife to the airport so she could attend a conference about AI. I also completed some HR training so it wouldn't be hanging over my head.
Tues- Had meetings with two customers to discuss events over the last week and plan for upgrades. Helped with some training for our team in India, spoke with product owners in Kiev to work in new features that can be updated via a hot cut.
Weds- Flew to Detroit for QBR. Up and back in one day- didn't get home until 9:30
Thurs- Had QBR with another customer, Reviewed some documentation regarding internal processes, Prep meeting to answer questions for another customer as me move from down select to contract stage, Revenue impact call to discuss company wide projects and status, weekly Teams call with another customer to review upgrade process and potential roadblocks (State office so I need to go get fingerprinted to have access), last call of the day meeting with a partner to review their weekly progress with joint customer (had to move that one from Weds since I had been traveling)
Fri-Audit update with customer which turned into a sales opp, Weekly call with biggest customer to review audits and project status, Worked in a haircut, Worked on potential SOW for audit proposal
I can see why federal employees are cowering in their PJs right now. This type of accountability is overwhelming. Imagine having to do this on a weekly basis just like employees in the private sector!
Chemo and watched the watched the Hockey game and Ducks beat IOWA... slept through the Awesome Wisconsin win...
You sound like you work at a company a lot like mine…
I forgot to get a haircut
Blew off the tcu students project when I was supposed to send them shit
Went to Texas Roadhouse with my boss
Returned an eBay purchase a day too late but figured out how to print the label anyway
Wild Stuff
Mon - BRB, JO
Tues - BRB, JO
Wed - BRB, JO
Thu - BRB, JO
Fri - BRB, JO
you doin that shit on the daily
yo weekly monthly yearly?
Rain City Jacks, baby!
Your Outlook calendar looks sticky.
I was in Hawaii all last week.
I took my laptop and had my bat phone with me during bankers hours in case anything important came up.
Thinking this is the case for most folks on the board. Fed employees bitching and moaning when asked about productivity.
Reminds me of the line in Ghostbusters by Dan Akroyd:
gives new meaning to the term "government cheese"
I worked.
Dealing with the BPA was like waiting for ketchup to come out of a new Heinz bottle. Took forever to get basic information. Same with the EPA. Phone calls not returned, emails not responded to. Under worked. Little accountability or responsibility. Think having to deal with mello. Elon had the same with the FAA trying to get them to move on SpaceX projects.
PS The BPA revenue is paid for by customers and utility ratepayers and ends up in your power bill. Saving ratepayers money is not important to Murray unless she, like our moron senator Ron Wyden, finds it convenient to whine about how much electricity prices have gone up and blame the greedy utilities.
I will say that the DOT and the agency responsible for my professional certificate are pretty good. I was mailed things within seven to ten business days. I think sometimes right wingers act like every government employee is some buffoon or lazy ass who can't do anything right. There are definitely some out there, and I think some of them work for the county and city here, especially the city. I haven't personally dealt with the feds much except for the IRS two or three times, and that was a mixed bag.
Dealing with the DMV in Washington was a f**king nightmare in the 90s and 2000s.
I have worked with every level as a consumer, a salesman and a lobbyist.. In my opinion the fed is the worst. Second worst is the city level and then county. The best in my opinion is the state level. So much depends on where you live. Atlanta city government is a nightmare. They only hire majority black people which clearly cuts the talent pool from which to draw from. They just don't give a shit. A liberal bastion in Atlanta was the county I lived in adjacent to Fulton County. There was no law against having a pool. The liberals working in the county just felt that pools were not good things to have in an environmentally conscious county. We fought it for 7 months and got our pool. Just awful to work with. But nothing is as frustrating as working with the Fed. No one is in charge, and no one can make a decision, but everyone sure likes to act like they are the busiest people on the planet. So much wasted money in the FED and so inefficient.
Doing California mandatory harassment training this week. This is definitely a scam. Marxist gobbledy guk featuring gender identity and other typical topics.
So anyways, I'll be shit poasting here for a bit.
lol, did the mandatory New York one last week. Someone probably got like $30m for the interface.
Had to do that shit and worse including the museum of tolerance. Have I mentioned my tolerance of stupidity, poor manners, communists and morons is very low?