I love it when the left tries to go all morality and shit except on issues that are like, you know, about morality
I don't have a problem with atheists. They are supposed to be rational and able to present rational arguments. Not always the case but with St. H it is never the case
nail on head. They won’t ever admit it but their belief in the Bible only goes as far as their worship of Trump. If Trump’s path diverges from the Bible, then the Bible goes out the window.
"We can reject what isn't in all 4 gospels", says Race.
There goes your census—in addition to its other problems.
You could say nothing or admit you have nothing to say or you can keep being a retard
You chose retard
No one cares what you think about a book you don't believe
What does the bible say about cutting the dicks off kids or ripping babies from the womb?
That's what I thought
It isn't what I think about the Bible that's so interesting.
It's that you believe the Bible only insofar as it doesn't conflict with your belief in Daddy.
That is much more interesting. And obvious.
You have no idea what I believe.
If you want a theocracy move to Iran and stone the gays like the Old Testament commands
Jesus wants you to kill unborn babies H
Israel had borders and defended them. They slaughtered the inhabitants of the land as they possessed it. America sounds biblical to me
Trying to use a book you mock and don't believe to score political points is about as retarded as it gets
As we have just demonstrated for the audience. Thanks for playing now fuck off
I definitely know what you DON'T believe.
Nothing shall contradict Daddy. His will be done.
So, your anti-immigrant/anti-asylum stance is because of something Jesus said about abortion.
I'm against illegals
Have been since I voted for Clinton twice
The tweet about the times went over your head as usual
I voted for Reagan twice.
You can be a crusader or a pragmatist on this issue.
You brought it up, Retard. He was countering your retarded post.
This H guy is spinning out of control. I doubt he lasts the next 4 years.
I always look to Perry Namath for Biblical matters.
Oh wait- Jesus Himself warned us
(Matthew 7:15–20),
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits."
Nothing fruitier than being in a throuple.
Race finds Matthew unreliable.
That escape to Egypt stuff. You know.
I love it when the left tries to go all morality and shit except on issues that are like, you know, about morality
I don't have a problem with atheists. They are supposed to be rational and able to present rational arguments. Not always the case but with St. H it is never the case
Race thinks Jesus is a little too preachy.
nail on head. They won’t ever admit it but their belief in the Bible only goes as far as their worship of Trump. If Trump’s path diverges from the Bible, then the Bible goes out the window.
the golden calf is alive and well.
I will never admit something that you and H pulled out of your ass?
Imagine that
Why don't you boys go back in the lab and come up with something that doesn't suck so bad?
What is your defense of open borders and no vetting of illegals crossing the border unvetted?
How many women need to be raped and murdered to satisfy you?
Start there
My belief in the bible also stops at the public policy of abortion. You guys got any hot takes on that?
We're talking about your plan to cut the US workforce by 5%. Your guy killed the border bill drafted by your team.
OK I guess
My plan is to stop illegals and raise wages for citizens. SoccerDuck used to be with me on that. Shifting sands I guess
The democrats fake attempt to look tuff on the border is irrelevant now isn't it?
Make Inflation Great Again
Cut welfare and handouts and a lot of people will go back to work that are sitting on their ass collecting guberment cheese.