Does anyone have the heart to go back and look at the posts from last year when they signed Belichick's kid to coach. There was more doog chest beating than a Saturday matinee, double-billed Tarzan and King Kong movie.
Sweet Geezus what a dumpster fire. Oh well, you'll always have your Paris.
Of course there's not going to be a response Bill, you cunts don't want to talk about your team, you want to talk about me and Chad Cota's sexual orientation. Hardly shocking that none of you cunts want to talk about your dumpster fire of a team.
And yet, in the last 25 years, you've had 10 seasons like that while Oregon has has 3. Imagine that. 10 years out of the last 25 you've sucked ass. Hell no wonder you guys are taking this year so well. You're used to being fucking losers.
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Does anyone have the heart to go back and look at the posts from last year when they signed Belichick's kid to coach. There was more doog chest beating than a Saturday matinee, double-billed Tarzan and King Kong movie.
Sweet Geezus what a dumpster fire. Oh well, you'll always have your Paris.
Of course there's not going to be a response Bill, you cunts don't want to talk about your team, you want to talk about me and Chad Cota's sexual orientation. Hardly shocking that none of you cunts want to talk about your dumpster fire of a team.
Washington State Cougar football has more backbone and independence at this point.
And those guys can spam a lame apple cup gif for YEARS after a win..
Historically, not a bad season for whOregon. This is the Duck Refuse. I am trying to stay on topic.
Washington State Cougar football owns your bitch ass.
Back to the basement Elon
Oregon kicked the fuck out of your welfare program
Back to the ditch. Back to normal.
I mean, Washington State owns Oregon.
Portland is flooded with their grads talking down to you.
Loses a road game in Seattle. Welfare program.
There's nothing quite like a 6-7 team who we beat by 30 talking shit about how bad Oregon is.
I've always said Grellow Cuogs here only. This is just another data point. Thanks.
False tech bro basement bitch
My tech opinions are easy to search here. Not my fault you can barely do anything on the internet.
"Apple products own" lol how's that going lately?
Uh oh....
You’re starting to stutter bitch
little brother calling UW "welfare program"
funny stuff Mike
The site would be nothing without you
“WSU fans own Oregon fans in Portland”
- guy who lives in suburban Vancouver
So he doesn't know about Apple getting bitch slapped.
I walked by these 65+ Oregon fans for over 2 years in Portland. They have no idea how inferior they are and have always been to UW.
And yet, in the last 25 years, you've had 10 seasons like that while Oregon has has 3. Imagine that. 10 years out of the last 25 you've sucked ass. Hell no wonder you guys are taking this year so well. You're used to being fucking losers.
Guys I’m hearing Apple got “bitch slapped” and apparently that’s supposed to mean something to anyone here.
Yes, we’re well aware you stalk normal human beings just doing normal things.
Bitch you do nothing and that’s why you lie about everything.