Texas was my grandpa’s team, but I can’t root for Sark to win a natty.
I don’t want to deal with Notre Dame fans if they win something that actually matters. I really don’t have any reason for it, but I’ve always hated ND.
James Franklin is such an insufferable douche, I can’t root for him either. I also can’t root for a school that covered up Sandusky.
Ryan Day is an asshat, but the least worst option in my opinion. Rooting for all the kids who left Washington state makes me sick too. Fuck this shit. I hope they all lose.
Fuck. I momentarily forgot the WA kids at Ohio State. They don’t deserve happiness either.
I guess I don’t personally hate ND players or their coach, but I still want everyone to lose.
If Sark does natty in a year he hired Johnny Nansen and got divorced, I will have to tip my cap at him either being A) a changed man or B) able to pull all that shit off
I was literally begging someone to diddle me at 14.
Mostly Pedo because I feel it would cause the SEC the most consternation. That and to fuck with all the metrics people who widely discredit actual results.
I was literally begging someone to diddle me at 14.
Mostly Pedo because I feel it would cause the SEC the most consternation. That and to fuck with all the metrics people who widely discredit actual results.
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Write In: Sweet Meteor o'Death.
I actually liked State Penn as a kid. They upset THE U to win a national title and a young Bill was impressed.
I'm pretty much indifferent now.
I don't wish wish re-org who's on the Mt Rushmore of Blue Bloods.
ND needs to win out here.
Probably the only other teams you could add to this list that wouldn't change my vote are Alabama and Oregon.
Fuck. I momentarily forgot the WA kids at Ohio State. They don’t deserve happiness either.
I guess I don’t personally hate ND players or their coach, but I still want everyone to lose.
“Huskies only team to beat national champ” has a nice ring to it
Tejas because my dad was an alum…Hook ‘em
Peen St: I can’t put my finger on it, but Franklin doesn’t do it for me
Ohio State: Ryan Day and the WA all stars? Fuck ‘em
Notre Dame: Never have, and never will
natty sark will be the worst Sark of all
If Sark does natty in a year he hired Johnny Nansen and got divorced, I will have to tip my cap at him either being A) a changed man or B) able to pull all that shit off
In other words, it ain't gonna be him
I was literally begging someone to diddle me at 14.
Mostly Pedo because I feel it would cause the SEC the most consternation. That and to fuck with all the metrics people who widely discredit actual results.
I love every team. Each is unique in their own special way.
You are a convict lover!
Fuck Sark
Fuck Gee Scott, his son, and the other traitors
Fuck ND's fanbase
Penn State it is
where's the other option for giant meteor, plague, locusts and naked Janet Reno?
The boy raping programs vs Texas vs Ohio State is an easy answer.
@Quietcowskee is a good man.
Kawasaki took a demotion to accelerate Jimmy Lake's career, eventually resulting in Lake becoming HC. I will hate him for that forever.
Not really. I like him fine. But...Sark.