As a kid, the toy store I loved was World of Toys on the corner of 140th and Bel Red Rd. They had everything. Saw Paul Silas in there and got his autograph. They had all the Star Wars figures and ships. AFX race sets. Tyco and Lionel Train sets. Cox rockets. Tons of dinosaur stuff.
I always wanted a big ass boombox. Never got it. Instead, I got a Panasonic radio with a tape deck which I still have to this day. It is the garage radio now. It takes batteries or you can plug it in. it is missing the rewind button, but I don't care. Thinking back, those big ass boombox needed a ton of batteries.
Back when it first opened, it seemed like The Locker Room sold high end stuff, like fancy NFL jerseys and helmets. I always kind of wanted one of those fancy jerseys. Instead, I got the Sears catalog version that had the team name and the #.
Power wheel.
I asked for a CR 80 for about 5 years in a row. Never showed up
Good luck with that, big dog.
I got the Bo Jackson 2 in 1 handheld game fore Christmas and played the shit out of it. Still have it somewhere. I about fainted when I opened it up
When I was 12 (I think, it was a long tim ago), I really wanted a stereo. I had a record player that was one step ahead of a “Close and Play” (look it up). I had a big box under the tree, and knew that this was my stereo.
We were at my grandparents, and grandpa was Santa, and he saved the box for last. When I get to the box, yes, it is a stereo…box, filled with firewood (I come from a long line of smart asses). I reacted age-appropriately…it may have been the most pissed off I’ve ever been, to this day, everyone laughing, completely humiliated. I attempted to walk home in the snow, and they stopped and got me in the car. I continued my jack-assery all the way home, where upon walking in, my stereo was set up in front of the tree.
I never asked for another present again, and graciously accepted whatever I got…
tl/dr. CSB…
I wanted a gun
Cooler heads prevailed
Look, buddy, the question proffered does not imply, impute, or judge by merit any probability of outcome to the desired want. It only seeks to establish the want begetting the disappointment.
Hope this helps.
Y’all got Xmas presents? Your parents must’ve been rich.
biggest fiasco I ever had was wanting a new watch. Got it, one problem needed to get it sized. I can wait. Friend across the street gets new golf clubs and brings them over.
Dumbshit me takes a mighty swing in the living room with neighbors new 9 iron, new watch which does not fit yet does a spiral off my wrist, down my hand, slowly twirling down shaft of new 9 iron, ending with an Olympic style spin on the club head and into the brick fireplace surround.
result - cheap ass watch is fried, finished, kaput. Hid it from folks for as long as possible until it was too late to make a return.
Lesson learned: don't wear a watch when golfing (option: be honest, tell folks, return and get new watch. nah)
a functional UW athletic department lasting more than three years
HA! Yeah, Santa will be sure to deliver this one.