I would appreciate if they just finally admit they want a totalitarian government that is operated at the federal level. You have literal idiots such as @HHusky thinking they’re clever by posting lame talking points yet they put on the clown nose and start calling people “ladies” when the latest lie is exposed. Instead of just articulating what they want out of their government when their ideology controls it, we get goofballs projecting onto the opposition and zero serious discussion of actual policy.
Take the lie that Biden couldn’t take executive action on the border. He and Mayorkis bragged about overturning Trump’s border policy EOs. It’s recorded even in the Democrat media. Yet, the Dems lie for a year saying there is nothing poor Joe can do and their followers believe it. The Rat media couldn’t have ended this ridiculous debate the day the Dems started it by pointing out Biden overturned Trump’s EO. Instead, since that would hurt Dems politically, we have masses of ignorant and uninformed Leftists believing every lie told to them.
It’s just so stupid and really, that’s why TugTards don’t last long here without becoming circus acts. The posters here are informed in all forms of media, not just Leftist press releases via Dem-run media. It’s also why Reddit bans anyone who goes against the Leftist narratives in their news and political forums. Keeping idiots ill-informed is how they keep their voters.
Of all the Tug leftards, only one responded to my question of what policies that the dementia patient supports that would lead them to vote for Cho Bai Den. The only response was from the dazzler who claimed that the dementia patient "tightened up NATO" (whatever that means) and he supported the dementia patient's judicial nominees (and that means late term abortions, gun confiscation, free speech limits and corrupt elections). That from someone who claims a law degree and an MBA. Just like asking a leftard to define black for AA purposes or how much should we spend on limiting CO2 and what it will accomplish. Crickets on two of their actual major policies.
What's Trump….like 0-60 in court cases the last few years (I didnt actually research it, but I can :) )? Not just Blue states, but red state courts as well?? That's what you call….a pattern. But no, lol it was a corrupt New York that found him guilty here!!!
RetardBuck not understanding the there are Dem-controlled counties even in “Red” states is completely onbrand. That success rate is a tell, by the way, if you were actually intelligent. Now “Blue” DAs and AGs are prosecuting attorneys for even representing Trump.
Lol you poor people. Trump cant find ONE anomaly amongst those cases that will allow him to win? Boy that's terrible.
Let me offer an alternative explanation. He spews so much crap that he can't actually prove in a court that even judges he appoints laugh him out of court.
I think YOU should decide every court case Sledog, since apparently our justice system that has worked for over 200 years (however flawed) doesn't yield the results YOU like every time.
Here's the election cases by themselves. Lost everyone of them!
• Trump v. Biden (Wis. Dec. 14
• Trump v. Biden (Wis. Dec. 14
• Trump v. Wis. Elecs. Comm’n (E.D. Wis. Dec. 12
• Trump v. Biden (Wis. Dec. 14
• King v. Whitmer (E.D. Mich. Dec. 7
• Trump v. Biden (Wis. Dec. 14
• Ward v. Jackson (Ariz. Sup. Ct.
Maricopa Cnty. Dec. 4
• Trump v. Biden (Wis. Dec. 14
• Law v. Whitmer (Nev. Dist. Ct.
Carson City Dec. 4
• Trump v. Biden (Wis. Dec. 14
• Donald J. Trump for President v. Boockvar (M.D. Pa. Nov. 21
• Trump v. Biden (Wis. Dec. 14
• Wood v. Raffensperger (N.D. Ga. Nov. 20
• Trump v. Biden (Wis. Dec. 14
• Bower v. Ducey (D. Ariz. Dec. 9
• Trump v. Biden (Wis. Dec. 14
• Costantino v. City of Detroit (3d Jud. Ct. Wayne Cnty. Nov. 13
• Trump v. Biden (Wis. Dec. 14
Arizona Republican Party v. Fontes (Ariz. Sup. Ct.
I think I prefaced my statement ahead of time saying "I didnt research it, but I can". Right? I bet I can find them all if I spent more than 30 seconds looking for it (yeah im not going to do that today)
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In case you think this isn't lawfare and political…
Leftards lie and love to be lied to.
I would appreciate if they just finally admit they want a totalitarian government that is operated at the federal level. You have literal idiots such as @HHusky thinking they’re clever by posting lame talking points yet they put on the clown nose and start calling people “ladies” when the latest lie is exposed. Instead of just articulating what they want out of their government when their ideology controls it, we get goofballs projecting onto the opposition and zero serious discussion of actual policy.
Take the lie that Biden couldn’t take executive action on the border. He and Mayorkis bragged about overturning Trump’s border policy EOs. It’s recorded even in the Democrat media. Yet, the Dems lie for a year saying there is nothing poor Joe can do and their followers believe it. The Rat media couldn’t have ended this ridiculous debate the day the Dems started it by pointing out Biden overturned Trump’s EO. Instead, since that would hurt Dems politically, we have masses of ignorant and uninformed Leftists believing every lie told to them.
It’s just so stupid and really, that’s why TugTards don’t last long here without becoming circus acts. The posters here are informed in all forms of media, not just Leftist press releases via Dem-run media. It’s also why Reddit bans anyone who goes against the Leftist narratives in their news and political forums. Keeping idiots ill-informed is how they keep their voters.
Of all the Tug leftards, only one responded to my question of what policies that the dementia patient supports that would lead them to vote for Cho Bai Den. The only response was from the dazzler who claimed that the dementia patient "tightened up NATO" (whatever that means) and he supported the dementia patient's judicial nominees (and that means late term abortions, gun confiscation, free speech limits and corrupt elections). That from someone who claims a law degree and an MBA. Just like asking a leftard to define black for AA purposes or how much should we spend on limiting CO2 and what it will accomplish. Crickets on two of their actual major policies.
Why didnt Trumps lawyer get the jury he want again??
Normal defending democracy
But it's not lawfare! Communists doing communist things. BidenBros are polishing the red star on their furry hats as we speak.
When you've lost Bill Barr…
What's Trump….like 0-60 in court cases the last few years (I didnt actually research it, but I can :) )? Not just Blue states, but red state courts as well?? That's what you call….a pattern. But no, lol it was a corrupt New York that found him guilty here!!!
Name the trials or shut up.
All election suits are dismissed with the claim that those filing have no standing. The courts do not want to decide this.
RetardBuck not understanding the there are Dem-controlled counties even in “Red” states is completely onbrand. That success rate is a tell, by the way, if you were actually intelligent. Now “Blue” DAs and AGs are prosecuting attorneys for even representing Trump.
Enjoy your future, kid.
Fuck off, Brownshirt.
Lol you poor people. Trump cant find ONE anomaly amongst those cases that will allow him to win? Boy that's terrible.
Let me offer an alternative explanation. He spews so much crap that he can't actually prove in a court that even judges he appoints laugh him out of court.
You guys seriously can't recognize that pattern?
I think YOU should decide every court case Sledog, since apparently our justice system that has worked for over 200 years (however flawed) doesn't yield the results YOU like every time.
Here's the election cases by themselves. Lost everyone of them!
• Trump v. Biden (Wis. Dec. 14
• Trump v. Wis. Elecs. Comm’n (E.D. Wis. Dec. 12
• King v. Whitmer (E.D. Mich. Dec. 7
• Ward v. Jackson (Ariz. Sup. Ct.
Maricopa Cnty. Dec. 4
• Law v. Whitmer (Nev. Dist. Ct.
Carson City Dec. 4
• Donald J. Trump for President v. Boockvar (M.D. Pa. Nov. 21
• Wood v. Raffensperger (N.D. Ga. Nov. 20
• Bower v. Ducey (D. Ariz. Dec. 9
• Costantino v. City of Detroit (3d Jud. Ct. Wayne Cnty. Nov. 13
Arizona Republican Party v. Fontes (Ariz. Sup. Ct.
Maricopa Cty.)
That's not 60
I think I prefaced my statement ahead of time saying "I didnt research it, but I can". Right? I bet I can find them all if I spent more than 30 seconds looking for it (yeah im not going to do that today)