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7 months. Its prediction time. What are you seeing?

BendintheriverBendintheriver Member Posts: 5,476
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edited April 30 in Tug Tavern

Ignore the polls. Rats will never vote for Trump nor will they abandon their congressional candidates. Will never happen. Best one can hope for these days is rats staying home because we know they ain't voting Trump.

Rep votes can be had. Enough voted for a minority President simply because he was a minority and we got BO. If Bush 1 were a democrat, he would have won his second election but Reps didn't like his change on taxes so they stayed home and we got the start of what has led us to where we are today: a consistent line of rat life long politicians with zero real life experience, and corruption the likes of which we have never seen in the WH before.

The issue that will kill Trump with Reps is a conviction. We have witnessed what corrupt NY courts and DA's have done and if it happens elsewhere, on any real charges, it will hurt Trump big time. I know people don't like to hear that, and some have a romantic look at this as they believe the abuse the left is heaping on Trump is going to help him no matter what. That is a pipe dream.

The best thing that can happen for Trump is the SC rules in favor of "partial" immunity after office. They give him immunity on some things and shove the other questions down to the lower courts. Thus pushing out these frivolous lawsuits past the election and stopping this Jan 6 bullshit.

If you read both sides of the aisle, you will notice abortion coming back around front and center again. Recently I noticed where WAPO headlined abortion over the massive Jew hatred going on. The protests will be a fading memory in November so they have to start abortion back up. Its tried and proven for rats come election time.

I am seeing a lot more articles attempting now to blame Israel for what hamas did. This is the lefts attempt to deflect and destroy the negative perspective fence sitters are getting due to the campus riots. Its interesting because they would rather trash Israel than spend time convincing voters that the left doesn't hate Jews. Its just more proof that they really do hate Jews. As always they know it doesn't matter in the Jewish circles because Jews will still vote democrat.

The left is getting into election mode.

Curious who people think is going to win this election? A lot can happen between now and then. From what I understand, they are sticking with biden. He is being controlled and those in power like that, so even though he is clearly fading fast and completely incapable of running this country, they are going to prop then shove him up there. 7 months is a long time and I would not bet one red cent that he is going to be mentally there come November so this is going to be historic and interesting. With rats it is politics over humanity and country.



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