Watching from home on a crisp, rainy day in the blue grass was anxiety inducing. I didn’t sit down until some point late in the 4th quarter.
This game felt a combination of last year and 2019 vs the Ducks.
In the 2019 game, I feel like we had a 8-10 point lead in the 3rd quarter and forced the ducks into a 4th short around their 35ish. They went for it, got it and won the game.
Us getting stopped on the goal line yesterday was eerily similar to Penix throwing a pick from the 2 last year but unlike last year when I almost turned it off, I had a feeling. Winners win. Penix and DeBoner are winners.
Bo Nix seems to fold under pressure and low hits.
Both teams and especially the fans can say we were 1 or plays or 3 4th down calls away from winning.
Good game by the ducks but fuck them with a rusty cheese grater and good for them for stepping up and replacing the Coog as our lil’ bro.
By the way….what cunt would click on this thread?
