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Hugh Millen is quite the guy

jecorneljecornel Member Posts: 9,726
The other day on Seahawk round table still waxing about RW's height being an issue and how the defense will stand tall taller.
Looking like a REAL problem tonight. LOL!!1!1!1!!11!!!!

Of course he throws in that Holgren says its a REAL issue as well.




  • jecorneljecornel Member Posts: 9,726
    RW is the wrong skin color, Locker is the RIGHT skin color. In Hugh's eyes.
  • HeretoBeatmyChestHeretoBeatmyChest Member Posts: 4,295
    Hugh fucking sucks. Who even cares about his complicated explanations. It leads him to incorrect and ill-fated analysis anyway.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 11,453
    jecornel said:

    RW is the wrong skin color, Locker is the RIGHT skin color. In Hugh's eyes.

    Judging by his stance on Wilson, Locker and Price I think race does play a factor.

    I just don't get why people care what Millen has to say? He was an average QB at UW who was benched during his senior year and was terrible in the NFL.

    Yet so many Doogs hang onto every fucking word that dumb fuck says. When you argue his points with Softy, Softy will go "He has forgotten more about football than you guys will ever know".
  • DeepSeaZDeepSeaZ Member Posts: 3,901
    So Wilson is short for a QB, Price was terrible last year, and Jake is white. Therefore Hugh is a racist? Show causation.
  • TierbsHsotBoobsTierbsHsotBoobs Member Posts: 39,680
    DeepSeaZ said:

    So Wilson is short for a QB, Price was terrible last year, and Jake is white. Therefore Hugh is a racist? Show causation.

    Price's "terrible" year was right around Lockner's career average at UW.

    There's your causation.
  • RoadDawg55RoadDawg55 Member Posts: 30,123

    When you know nothing about football and a guy starts using terms like "smoke screen" and "cover 2" you think he's a football genius. About half of the current hawks fans are band wagon jumpers who know close to nothing about football but think of themselves as successful if they root for a winning team. If UW has a good season, they will all be putting away their Duck jerseys and be buying black UW jerseys. People like that are the ones who think Millen is a genius.

    Exactly. Any guy who ever played football can talk about cover 2, cover 3, blitzing the A gap, a WR stem on their route, etc. Hugh uses these terms and listeners think he is the smartest guy ever. They probably don't even know what the fuck he's talking about half the time. He uses this type of shit to give Locker a passing grade in the 2010 Nebraska game, and people buy it. I don't know how anyone can respect an analyst that gives a passing grade to a guy that went 4-20 with 2 picks, including one pick 6. I know Nebraska had great DB's, but no QB worth a shit ever goes 4-20.

  • TheKobeStopperTheKobeStopper Member Posts: 5,959
    DeepSeaZ said:

    So Wilson is short for a QB, Price was terrible last year, and Jake is white. Therefore Hugh is a racist? Show causation.

    While it is a small sample, it's also pretty glaring. Racist may not be the right word but he is showing a bias towards a white quarterback over two non white quarterbacks, who have already had better seasons than Jack could ever dream of. There could also be something we don't know about the situation but on the surface it appears to be racially motivated opinion. He may not even be aware of it though.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 11,453

    DeepSeaZ said:

    So Wilson is short for a QB, Price was terrible last year, and Jake is white. Therefore Hugh is a racist? Show causation.

    While it is a small sample, it's also pretty glaring. Racist may not be the right word but he is showing a bias towards a white quarterback over two non white quarterbacks, who have already had better seasons than Jack could ever dream of. There could also be something we don't know about the situation but on the surface it appears to be racially motivated opinion. He may not even be aware of it though.
    I don't think Millen is a racist but I do think he can have some race prejudice.

    He is always on Price and Wilson's ass yet even after Jake lays a fucking turd sandwich against Nebraska Millen was always there to defend him.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 11,453

    DeepSeaZ said:

    So Wilson is short for a QB, Price was terrible last year, and Jake is white. Therefore Hugh is a racist? Show causation.

    While it is a small sample, it's also pretty glaring. Racist may not be the right word but he is showing a bias towards a white quarterback over two non white quarterbacks, who have already had better seasons than Jack could ever dream of. There could also be something we don't know about the situation but on the surface it appears to be racially motivated opinion. He may not even be aware of it though.
    I don't think Millen is a racist but I do think he can have some race prejudice.

    He is always on Price and Wilson's ass yet even after Jake lays a fucking turd sandwich against Nebraska Millen was always there to defend him.
    Calling him a racist is pretty bold, but his head is/was way too far up Locker's ass. He refused to criticize him for any reason. He also rarely, if ever, criticizes Sark, but has no problem ripping Price.

    With Wilson, he needs to humble himself and admit he was wrong. Wilson has a strong arm, is accurate, very mobile, throws one of the best deep balls I have ever seen, and it's evident he has special leadership qualities that very few guys have. I don't have a problem that he was skeptical about Wilson before the past season, but he needs to get the fuck off the air if he thinks Wilson will be anything but a good QB.

    What I never liked about these KJR guys is they have no problem throwing a college kid under the bus to save the adult who is making millions. When Jake would suck, Millen had no problem throwing OL, WR's all under the bus.

    Just like now he has no problem throwing Price under the bus. The only difference is he doesn't give Price the same benefit of the doubt for having IMO a worse OL, slightly worse RB's and worse WR's.

    Like you said about Wilson, questioning him going into the year is one thing but he was flat giving Wilson no chance at all. He didn't even have an open mind when it came to Wilson. Now instead of embracing it saying he's wrong he still nit picks at Wilson.

    If only he was 1/100th as critical of Wilson/Price towards Sark would I maybe give a shit what he has to say.

    He gives Sark and at the time Locker a total free pass. While being a prick towards Price and Wilson. I still remember two years ago him calling Russell Okung(first team all pro LT) a bust of a pick second game into his second year. The guy is a total joke and like I said several times I don't understand why so many give a rats ass what he has to say.
  • SoutherndawgSoutherndawg Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 8,279 Founders Club
    edited August 2013
    Sensitive issue, but calling Millen a racist is way off base. This smacks of the race merchant PC crowd that throws that term around to gain control of the narrative. Drowns out any criticism of any person "of color" by painting the criticism as race based. Zero substance, but, unfortunately, very effective. "Well" done.

    Millen does however appear to have a memory that's shorter than the short quarterbacks he's worried about. He went all mea culpa late last year regarding his initial "analysis" of RW. Having watched RW play since his time at NCSU, my advice is to not underestimate this guy. He significantly elevated NCSU, took Wisky to a Rose Bowl, and has drastically improved Seattle's offense. I have no doubt that NFL teams will adjust their defenses to account for this guy when they play the SeaHawks, but he's a game changer, he has proven he will get it done one way or another. And by the way, this is something Price has not shown. He deserves some criticism for some pretty fucktarded play at times. Hopefully he will gather himself and show some of that ability, but shielding Price from criticism when he fucks up is no better than shielding Locker or any other player for that matter.
  • Steve_BowmanSteve_Bowman Member Posts: 442
    edited August 2013
    Well said. Throwing around the term racist is "playing the race card." This is about nothing more than Control and Power. In many, many cases the person playing the card is the real racist.

    Hugh is a dipshit. We all agree. Is it really necessary to make a Politically Correct ideology argument out of simple frigin football discussion? All this race crap gets really old.

    (Yeah, I know. Since I dared to open my mouth, I'm clearly a racist.) Anyone up for a witch hunt?

    Sensitive issue, but calling Millen a racist is way off base. This smacks of the race merchant PC crowd that throws that term around to gain control of the narrative. Drowns out any criticism of any person "of color" by painting the criticism as race based. Zero substance, but, unfortunately, very effective. "Well" done.

  • TierbsHsotBoobsTierbsHsotBoobs Member Posts: 39,680
    We don't know if Hugh is racist or not. We're just working with the sample size we have and drawing logical conclusions.
  • Steve_BowmanSteve_Bowman Member Posts: 442
    There's Zero logic in this BS. It's all speculation based on ideology.

  • HillsboroDuckHillsboroDuck Member Posts: 9,186

    We don't know if Hugh is racist or not. We're just working with the sample size we have and drawing logical conclusions.

    As one who was (along with you) labeled racist for criticizing Ty, I'm hesitant to throw around the R word. It's also possible Hugh is:

    a) stupid
    b) heavily biased towards taller QB's
    c) abundance

    Now, if Hugh starts hyping Lindquist over Miles, I'll probably have to reconsider.
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